A New Captain, an Annoying Father, and a Slippery Little Bastard

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A New Captain, an Annoying Father, and a Slippery Little Bastard

I feel something hard hit my body and we both roll out of the ceiling's range.

"Come on, get up," Haytham's voice rings in my ears.

I'm pulled to my feet by strong hands and dragged towards a wall. The world is becoming even hazier and it's getting even harder for me to breathe.

"Haytham," I wheeze. "That way." I point in the opposite direction he's taking us.

Haytham nods and begins to climb up the wall expecting me to follow.

Suddenly, I feel a strange heat on my back. Then I realize what's happening. I immediately rip the extra-large coat from my body and watch it engulf itself in flames.

"Riley, come on!"

I look up and see Connor and Haytham. They're looking down at me from the upper loft.  Taking a running start, I jump and run up the side of the wall where Connor grips my open arms and lifts me up. I continue to cough and gag on the suffocating smoke that doesn't seem to affect the two idiots as much.

Haytham has left us now and taken off through the flames.

Connor quickly grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction Haytham took. But then the floor is collapsing taking us down with it. We roll into the lower level where the fire is the worst.

"So close, yet so far," We hear Haytham call to us from somewhere above in a mocking voice.

"Shut up," I mumble through my coughing before Connor pulls me back to my feet.

"You'll need to find another way around the flames," Haytham calls to us again.

"Ya don't say!" I call back in my sarcastic tone as Connor and I duck under a board.

"I do say so, Riley!"

Connor grins at me before climbing up a less flaming wall. I follow a bit more slowly as the smoke is becoming unbearable.

"Get back here, traitors!" Haytham yells at a group of Church's men. "Oh, how I'll enjoy making you pay for your betrayal! Did Church pay you well? Were you rewarded handsomely?" Connor is literally carrying me through the burning building by this point. I can't breathe and I'm ready to collapse. "And what good does your gold do you now?" Haytham continues on his lecturing rant. "Is it magic gold, you think? Like the one they spun the fleece from? Do you think it will shield you from the flames?"

Connor and I finally make it to the top where we find Haytham surrounded by guards. We struggle to hoist ourselves up and over the wooden ledge. Just as we get to our feet, the five guards and Haytham are falling though the floor.

The two of us walk towards the hole and look down. Haytham is hanging onto the ledge by one arm struggling to stay up. He has a terrified look in his eyes that makes me grin. Even Grandmaster Templars get scared.

I nudge Connor to pull him up. Haytham gives him a nod of thanks once he's on his feet.

The three of us begin to look around the remains of the room for some way out. Haytham walks up to a locked door.

"Stuck!" he mutters after several failed attempts at prying it open. "See if you two can find something to pry it open." There's silence from us as I whisper something in Connor's ear. He grins. "Connor? Riley? What are you two up to?"

Haytham turns around to face us. I'm stand a few feet away from Connor who is in a ready-to-start-running position. Haytham realizes this.

"Oh. No. Don't do that." Haytham warns Connor with an anxious look on his face.

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