Chapter Fourteen

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Kelly Kelly.

-one week later-

The past week was one of the longest weeks of my life. I wasn't talking to Randy very much. Even though I love him, I felt as if I could no longer trust anyone here, but Natalya. Natalya had been comforting me and helping me this past week. Tyson and Nattie were separated right now, I felt so bad that she was going through this, but hopefully they'll get back together. Tonight was the 1100th episode of Monday Night Raw, and I had a huge announcement after my match. No one knew what I was going to say tonight. I had a match tonight against Nikki Bella for the Diva's Championship. I didn't care what happened tonight, I knew I was going to go out there and do my absolute best. 

I curled my hair quickly and put on an outfit not caring about how I looked. I didn't bother to apply make-up onto my face which was strange. Eve glanced over at me and laughed. "In a rush there?" She asked me. "Oh shut up." I stated towards her in a demanding voice. I met Nattie in the parking lot, but I saw her talking to Randy for some odd reason. I walked away not bothering to even spend time with her now. Vince's office was right behind me, so I walked inside. "Vince, I need to tell you something." I told him as he looked at me worried. 

Once I got done telling him what I was going to announce tonight, he was disappointed with me, but understood me. I then suddenly bumped into Nattie. "What do you want?" I questioned her not wanting to speak to her. "I thought we were hanging out today?" She looked at me confused. "Not anymore. Not after I saw you talking to Randy in the parking lot earlier." I revealed to her as she sighed. "He was asking me how you were doing. Maybe we shouldn't hang out today, you need to spend some time with your boyfriend." She suggested. I let out a long sigh, but agreed with her before walking off to Randy's room. 

Daniella passed me and shot me a dirty look. Knock. Knock. Knock. I knocked on the locker room door awaiting Randy to open it up. When he opened up the door, he looked overwhelmed to see me. "Kelly! I missed you." He said wrapping his muscular arms around me hugging me tightly. "I missed you too, Randy." I told him hugging him back. "So, what do you want to do?" He asked me smiling. I always loved his smile, it was one of his best features. "I was thinking we could go to the arcade and play some games. We could act like teenagers today." I told him as he grinned towards the thought of the idea. "I like that, let's go." He said grabbing his car keys. 

We arrived at the arcade within five minutes. When we got out, the arcade wasn't that crowded. Randy immediately ran over to the ice hockey table. I hadn't played in a long time with someone. Randy put in a dollar and the puck came out signaling the start of the game. We went back and forth making this a challenging game. After about twenty minutes, the game was tied 6 to 6. The next score would win the game. A crowd of people surrounded us excited to see us. We hit the puck back and forth dodging each other's attempted goals. After another five minutes, I scored the seventh goal for the win. Randy smiled at me and set his puck down before picking me up and spinning me around. "I love you so much." He said making me grin. "You know I love you too." I told him as we walked up to the counter. We got two milkshakes, Randy got chocolate, I got strawberry. 

A few fans came up to us asking for pictures and autographs. We gave them what they wanted. It only took about 20 minutes. One girl told me that I was her absolute inspiration in life and she wanted to be just like me. Fans like that make me smile so much. Randy and I took a seat at a table as we sipped our milkshakes together. "So, how have you been this week?" He asked me curiously. "I've been alright, trying to avoid the whole "mystery attacker" situation." I stated quietly. He took another sip of his milkshake before speaking, "I know how you feel babe, this person shot a bullet at me." He said as I looked towards the ground. That was the worst part of this whole attacking situation. We needed to find out soon who it was. 

?'s POV

I glanced at the cameras on the screens. I watched as Kelly and Randy were at the arcade. On another camera, Eve was going through Kelly's things. Eve was always an idiot, no wonder I didn't choose her to be on our team. I heard the door creak open as the other two members came inside the room. "Boss, what do you think Kelly's announcement is?" She asked me worried. "I don't know, but we need to find out." I told them. "Let's go." She stated. "BrieNikki, It's time for the best night ever." I told them as we walked out of the room.

Kelly Kelly.

Randy and I finished spending time together and went back eventually. I kissed him goodbye and went back to my room to find some of my bags scattered out across the room. "What the hell?" I said in a confused tone of voice. "Kelly, just tell us what your announcement is!" Eve exclaimed. "What announcement?" I stuttered while speaking. "You know what I'm talking about. Several people have been talking about how you're going to announce something big tonight." She revealed to me. "Well, I'm not making any announcements tonight." I told her walking inside the bathroom. I applied make-up to my face. Finally, I took an attire out of my wardrobe and slipped it onto my body. The clock struck 9 o' clock and my match was about to begin. 

I headed towards gorilla position and waited for my theme to play first since I was the challenger tonight. Nikki was holding the Diva's title in her hands carelessly. My theme finally began playing and I headed out to the arena with a smile on my face. The crowd cheered for me as I entered the ring. The Bellas came out to the ring and everyone booed them, which was nothing new. 

The bell rang and our match went back and forth. After about fifteen minutes, the match was coming close to concluding. Nikki went for a Bella Buster, but I dodged it. I then followed up by spearing her into the turnbuckle. As she struggled to get up, I hit the K2, but I wasn't done yet. I lifted her back up and Chick-Kicked her knocking her unconscious. I covered her for three-count. It was weird that I was already the Diva's champion again when I just lost it last week. I motioned for Lillian to hand me a microphone so I could speak. She handed me a microphone as my smile faded. "I have an announcement to make right now." I said trying not to cry. 

"Not without me making an announcement first, I was the leader of all of the attacks." The voice I heard made me fall to my knees. This could not be happening right now. Candice Michelle was my attacker.

Wow!!!!! Did you all expect that? Well, there's probably only going to be one more chapter and then, this story will be over. I haven't decided to do a sequel yet though. Well, I should have the last chapter out soon! -J

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