Chapter Three.

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Randy Orton.

I stormed off from Vince's office as I heard that Sheamus would have Kelly as his manager. Why did she of all people have to be my enemy's manager? I should've known, all she wants is revenge. I walked down the hallway as I glanced towards Eve who was talking to Rosa beside their locker room. Winking at Eve, Rosa flipped me off as she seen every move I tried to make. I smirked towards Rosa as I walked slowly towards my room. Let's just say, if I want a girl, I get her. It's that simple. I haven't been with many girls since I found out Kelly was pregnant and I walked away from her for the rest of my life. I glanced down the hallway as I saw Kelly give Sheamus a hug. Kelly wants revenge, I'm gonna make sure she doesn't get any revenge on me.

Kelly Kelly.

I wiped away all the tears that were on my face and I gave Sheamus a firm hug. Sheamus was making me feel so much better now that Randy wouldn't speak to me anymore. From a view, I caught Randy's eyes on mine before he walked back into his room. Sheamus left to go have his match after the divas match was over. They were already having a tournament for the title. I turned around and went back into my room. I took a seat on my uncomfortable bed. I turned on the television as I kept squirming around attempting to find a good, comfortable spot on my bed. Eventually, I moved to Sheamus' bed which was way more comfortable than mine. I looked towards the television screen again as I saw Natalya facing Tamina. This was the semi-finals. Natalya eventually won with the Sharp-Shooter. That meant Natalya was going to face Eve for the title.

"Damn it, now she's going to take the title!" I screamed hoping no one could hear me outside of the room. I then headed out to get to the gorilla with Sheamus. This was the first match I was managing him in. The great part? He was facing Randy tonight in a no disqualification match. I had just a few tricks up my sleeve to lead Sheamus to victory in his match tonight. Sheamus' theme hit the arena and the whole crowd was cheering, then I came out with him which lead to more screaming and cheering than you could ever hear. I smiled and waved to the crowd as they chanted mine and Sheamus' name. I went out to ringside and awaited Randy's entrance. Luckily, he had no one in his corner tonight.

Randy's theme hits and my heart just drops. All I can think about is all of our memories. I have to stop thinking about him and I do when I see her. Natalya was with him. How could he do this to me? Out of anybody, he picks Natalya, my worst enemy, to come out here with him. He smirked towards me as I was furious. Natalya looked towards me and I rolled my eyes at her anyways. The referee rang the bell. I wasn't very happy at all. After a while, Randy started getting the advantage, and I knew I had to do something to prevent him from winning this match against Sheamus. I got up on the ring apron, but Natalya noticed me and came after me. I ducked her running clothesline and she ran right into the barricade knocking herself down.

I got up onto the ring apron while Randy was on the turnbuckle. He got distracted and Sheamus hit him with the Brogue Kick and got the three-count. I got into the ring and raised Sheamus' hand in victory as I had a big smile on my face. We walked backstage and Randy caught my eye and walked over towards me. "Hey, nice job out there! You always were good at being a bitch." Randy told me which got me to slap him followed by Sheamus striking him in the face with his right fist. Randy ran towards Sheamus, but Sheamus pushed him out of the way. Randy finally went away as he mumbled something I couldn't hear him say.

I looked down at my stomach and smiled. I couldn't wait to have this baby with or without Randy.

A/N: This was an awful chapter! I'm so sorry. DRAMA is coming soon. Something unexpected is coming up later in the story. 1 comment for the next chapter?

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