Chapter Two.

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Kelly Kelly. -one month later-

I got up out of my bed slowly. My body was aching almost everywhere. I turned on the television which had Friends appear on the screen, my favorite TV show. All of a sudden, I got up and rushed to the bathroom to puke. I was in agonizing pain and I couldn't think of what could've been wrong. After about ten minutes of vomiting everything out of my system, I sat down and thought about what could be wrong with me. "Last month, what happened?" I sighed. I had to be pregnant. I called Randy and told him to meet me in my room. He came as quick as he could. "What's wrong Kelly??" He questioned worriedly. I whimpered quietly and he came towards me and hugged me tightly. I pushed him away from me. "Randy, no! I'm pregnant." I said while his jaw dropped after hearing the words slip out of my mouth. The tension was rising. I was more scared than ever.

Slowly, he started walking away from me. I could feel my eyes filling with tears ready to slip down my cheek. "Randy, don't go.", I stuttered having trouble speaking. "Kelly, I'm done being your boyfriend or whatever we are. Don't speak to me." I felt a sudden change of emotion inside me. I wasn't even sad anymore, I was angry and pissed off. It felt like a bomb was ticking inside me about to blow up. He began walking out the door, I hollered for him. "Wait! One last thing.", I said smirking. I pulled him towards me and kissed him with force. He pulled away and I smacked him across the face. He got mad quickly and walked out while I watched him walk away with a crazy smile across my face.

Then, I thought about it, that means no more Diva's Championship, no more wrestling, nothing until I had the baby. I grabbed my cell phone and called Vince. He answered after a minute or so. "Hey Vince, it's Kelly. I have something important I need to tell you.", I said sadly. "What is it? Is everything alright?" He said worried. "Yes there is, Vince, I'm pregnant." I said sighing. "Congratulations Kelly, unfortunately, you'll need to vacate the Diva's title and take a break from wrestling." he said. "Oh okay. I think I want to be a manager of one of the superstars. Sheamus." I revealed. "Kelly, he's Randy's enemy as of right now though." He told me. "I know.", I stated before hanging up the phone.

I walked out of the door and noticed Rosa glaring at me. She looked down towards my belly and her eyes widened. Had I gained weight already? Was I already being noticeable? She paced herself towards the location where I was standing. "Are you pregnant?" She questioned me making me shake. Should I tell her, my best friend? I need too eventually, so I might as well now. "Rosa, umm.. yes, I am." I confessed to her making her smile. "Congratulations girl! I can't wait till you have your baby!" She said excitedly. "I'm hoping it's a girl. I'll never tell the name until I have the baby." I announced to her. "Well, I hope you get what you want girl!" She said making me smile big. At least she didn't hate me because I was pregnant. Randy did. And, I wished he didn't. Randy was the father of my child and he didn't care about me any longer.

I walked away from Rosa and went to Sheamus' locker room. I knocked on the door quietly in which he didn't answer. I then began banging on the door. This time, he answered the door. "Hey, I'm Kelly, your new manager." I said smiling. "Hi Kelly, I'm Sheamus. I'm glad you're my new manager. I hear you're pregnant." He told me. I was shocked, how did he know? "News spreads fast!" He announced to me. "I guess so. So, Randy and you hate each other?" I questioned him. "Yes, we aren't even friends out of storyline neither." I laughed and nodded my head.

Now, I'm Randy's enemy's manager. What a perfect way for revenge.

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