Chapter Eight.

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Randy Orton.

As I saw the events transpire, I noticed Kelly run to her room with tears falling to the ground from her eyes. That's when I started running to her room after her realizing I needed to comfort her. Knocking on the door several times, I just walked in and noticed Kelly on her bed crying. As she looked up from her pillow towards me, I glanced at her rough make-up and how it looked awful. She was torn apart. I took a seat beside her. "What do you want, Randy?" She questioned me struggling to speak. "Kelly, I want you to stop crying.", I replied as she managed to wipe away all of her tears and stop crying. "Okay, now I have. Now, what do you want?" She asked me. "Kelly, I miss us being together. I can't stop thinking about you. I ruined everything. Heck, I fucking killed our baby. I've been depressed ever since then. I've been getting with all these girls because I just can't get over you, Kelly. I love you.", I replied once again as she faintly smiled.

I leaned in and without even hesitating, I kissed her lips as she kissed back and our lips moved with each others in sync. This was all I wanted. Kelly was all I had ever wanted in my life and now I had her back. She was always my true love and she always will be. She pulled away after a long while and smiled. "Kelly, would you like to be my girlfriend again?" I asked her and with that she nodded her head. She wrapped her arms around me hugging me and I hugged her back tightly. I let go and smiled at her. "I can't believe I ever let you go.", he stated. As we walked out of the room, I took her hand and placed it into mine. We walked down the hallway and you couldn't tell that Kelly had cried anymore. We walked down the hallway and I glanced at Sheamus, who already seemed to be flirting with Alicia Fox. I seen that Kelly had noticed it too as she sighed. "Babe, it's okay, he's not even worth it.", I said.

After a few hours of talking and hanging out again, Kelly wanted to go home. As I moved the hair out of her eyes and behind her ear, I pecked her lips before letting her go home. She was still a wreck and I realized that. I still had to give her time to recover.

?'s POV

Pulling the black hood over my head, I lurked down the hallways looking for Kelly's room. My silver knife was grasped into my right hand ready to strike. While I looked from door to door to see if it was Kelly's or not, I finally caught a sight of the name tag that read Kelly and Eve. As I stood in front of the door for a few moments, I hesitated if I should really do this. I knew it was wrong, but she deserved it. The door was locked. I picked the lock slowly as Kelly and Eve started screaming. As I smirked, I walked towards Kelly who kept attempting to get away. The screams became louder. Kelly scurried out the room terrified. As I was still looking for revenge, I glanced back at Eve who had no chance of even getting out. I pushed her down and drove the knife into her stomach twice as she winced. After leaving the room, I took my hood off and threw my hoodie to the ground.

Kelly Kelly.

As the person turned to the next hallway, I didn't get a good look at them as I was still terrified. I snatched the hoodie into my hands and ran in to check on Eve. Pulling out my phone, I called 911. The ambulance rushed here within two minutes. Eve was injured so badly. I couldn't help but feel bad for her, she didn't deserve this. Randy rushed to my room worried. "Are you okay babe?" He questioned me holding me in his arms. "I'm okay, I promise.", I replied. "I was so worried when I heard. I love you baby.", he stated smiling at me as he continued to hold me his soft arms. This was a dreadful night, I needed to find out who tried to come after me.

A/N; Okay, so I loved writing this chapter!!!! Don't worry, you'll find out who came after Kelly, but for right now, comment who you think it is!! 

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