Chapter Twelve.

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Kelly Kelly.

The next morning I awoke expecting Randy to be lying next to me in bed, but when my eyes opened, he wasn't there. Randy being in the hospital was tearing me apart. I noticed Eve awake in her bed watching Friends. She looked towards me as I awoke and smiled before turning back to the television. "Eve, where were you last night?" I asked her. Eve looked towards me as I waited for a response. "I was- um, I was at the bar." She said hesitant. "Are you sure?" She nodded and went to the bathroom after. Five minutes later, Eve came out in a different outfit. I got up and changed into my own outfit. I straightened my hair and applied make-up before heading out. 

I turned into the parking lot of the hair salon. I didn't care whether Vince would like this or not, it's my life I'll live it how I want too. When I went inside, my usual hairdresser, Vivian, was there. She gave me a bright smiled seeing me walk inside. "Hi Kelly." she said to me. I was still getting used to Vivian calling me Kelly since she used to call me Barbie all the time, it was different hearing her say my ring name. "Hello Vivian." I said smiling. "Do you want the usual?" She asked me knowing what I usually came here for. "No, I'm ready to try something a little different." I told her. "Like what?" She questioned me smiling. "Like becoming a brunette." I said as she gasped at first. "Okay, if you say so." She brought me back to the chair.

Less than an hour later, I was finally finished. I was now a brunette. I pulled out one hundred dollars and handed it to Vivian. "Thank you dear, hope to see you soon!" I exclaimed walking out. 

Arriving back at the hotel, I parked my car and walked in with new hair. Sheamus winked towards me as I looked away from him in disgust. The Bella Twins looked at me with disgusted looks on their faces. I stopped for a moment, "May I ask what you are looking at?" They snickered and replied, "An ugly slut." I looked at them up and down before laughing. "I'm a slut? Says the bitches who have nothing to do but be sluts and ask for fame everywhere they go." I told them as they gasped before going back into their room. 

When I walked back into my room, Eve was nowhere to be found. My phone vibrated suddenly. One new text from Randy and one from Eve. I read Randy's first: When are you coming to visit me? I miss you. I texted him back saying I would be back later. Eve's message read: I really was at the bar last night. If you don't wanna be friends anymore, then just tell me. I put my phone back in my pocket not bothering to text her back. I was tired of her lies, if you're gonna be my friend, there's no point in lying to me about where you are. I left the room once again with nothing to do. 

Sheamus stopped me while I was walking turning me around facing him. "What do you want?" I asked him a tad scared. "Shut up, I still want you. Forget Randy, we can be together." He suggested as I laughed. "Hell no!" I shouted in his face. When I tried to walk off once again, he turned me around. "Listen Kelly, stop hiding the fact that you want me. I know you do." He told me smirking. "Are you fucking deaf? I said, I don't want you." I said it loud and clearly. I then smacked him before running away from him. Once I got down the hallway and looked behind where I stood, I didn't see him anywhere. I sighed in relief before bumping into Natalya unexpectedly. "Oh, hi." She said not expecting to see me. "Hey Nattie." I said smiling slightly. "Are you alright?" She asked me worried. 

I frowned and told her what was happening. She pulled me in for a hug and held me tightly attempting to make me feel better. "Oh hun, it's gonna be alright. I know you're sad. Tyson and I got in a bad argument the other day. We haven't talked since." She told me sadly. I shed a few more tears before all crying ceased. "I'm sorry that you're fighting with Tyson." I told her as she faked a smile. "Kelly, you're my best friend. If anything else happens, just come to me. I love you." She told me bringing out a real smile on my face. "I love you too, Nattie." I replied.

Two hours later, I was now heading to Randy's hospital room. When I walked in, his father was sitting down wide awake. His eyes were drooping like he hadn't slept in over 24 hours. He looked like he could pass out anytime. "Hello Kelly." he welcomed me into the room. "Hi Bob, it's been a long time." I told him since I hadn't saw him in over 4 years. "Indeed it has." He agreed with me as I walked over to Randy who's eyes had just opened. "You finally came." He said smiling brightly. "Why wouldn't I? I promised you." I told him as he laughed. "That's one thing I love about you, you never break your promises." He told me as I blushed a little. "You have a new hair color, I see." He told me smiling about the hair color I now had. "Yeah, I got it done over at Vivian's today, do you like it?" I asked him worried that he didn't like it. He nodded. "I love you." I leaned down and kissed his lips smoothly. We continued kissing before stopping as we realized Bob was still in the room. "I love you too." He stated. 

Less than 30 minutes later, Bob had drifted off to sleep. I got up into Randy's hospital bed with him just barely fitting. I snuggled closer to him wishing we were at home laying beside each other having a nice time. But, no, we were sitting at a hospital where my boyfriend had a bullet wound. Why does life have to be like this for me? That was all I could think about. 

Suddenly, my eyes opened and roamed towards the clock which read: 5:20 A.M. I got up attempting not to awake Randy who was fast asleep. I grabbed my purse and left the hospital and headed back to the hotel. Eve was in her bed awake as she noticed me walking in. "Where were you?" She asked me obnoxiously. "I was at the hospital visiting Randy. I fell asleep." I revealed to her as she looked away. "Listen Eve, at least I'm giving the real reason why I wasn't here while you keep lying." I said to her as she laughed again. "Whatever Kelly." She said before heading to sleep. 

My phone beeped suddenly and I pulled it out. One new text from Randy. Hey, where'd you go? I miss you being in my arms. I blushed a little reading the last part of the text. I went back to the hotel. I miss being in your arms too. I love you, goodnight. I texted him back before getting into my pajamas. I then got into my bed before falling asleep. 

This is more of a filler chapter, I guess you could say. Randy gets out of the hospital soon. Is Eve lying or not? What do you all think? - J

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