Chapter Four.

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Kelly Kelly.

-four months later-

I sat in Sheamus' locker room holding my belly as I was hurting a lot now that I was bigger. Over these past months, Randy dumped Natalya, Rosa, and he is now dating Kaitlyn. Sheamus had won the majority of matches against Randy thanks to some great help from me. I found out I was most likely going to have a boy. Randy and I haven't talked since he started dating Natalya. Rosa and I stopped being friends after she started going around the locker room. I was surprised she still wasn't pregnant yet. Sheamus and I had only kissed once, and it was a huge mistake. We were caught up in the moment. This only happened last week. Everything had been going great with my baby boy. Everything was perfect.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the door catching Rosa's eye as she was looking outside around her room as usual. She waved at me and I fake-smiled and waved back. Rosa was the whore nowadays. I walked down the hallway and found Sheamus. "Hey there.", I smiled at Sheamus who was speaking to Wade Barrett, one of his good friends. "Hey there beautiful.", Sheamus said with his amazing Irish accent that I just adored. I hugged him tightly, his hugs were the best of all. So firm and perfect. Sheamus was just my best friend, but I don't know. I couldn't tell if something was happening or not. He had promised to help me when I had the baby.

I told him I was going somewhere, we had a match to go too later tonight. The final match of the feud between Sheamus and Randy. I was walking down the hall when suddenly someone ran me into the wall. I managed to catch a glimpse of the person, it was Alicia Fox, but why? I never did anything to her. I then blacked out and woke up an hour later in my bed. I saw Sheamus holding me as my eyes fluttered open. "Alicia did it, Sheamus, I saw her.", I told him as he looked at me with a confused look across his face. "I'm sorry, I'm just glad you and the baby are okay.", Sheamus stated making me smile. He was one of the sweetest people I had ever met. I looked down at my watch and noticed it was almost time for Smackdown now.

"Sheamus, we have to get ready.", I told him as he noticed the time too and gasped. "Let's hurry!" He shot himself up and got in his attire while I kept the dress I had on. They called our names to gorilla when it was time. We rushed down there quickly. Sheamus' theme hit the arena and people were chanting mine and Sheamus' name. I was smiling and my cheeks were rosy red. I clapped a few hands and stood outside the ring. Randy came out, but without Kaitlyn. Did something happen with her? I stopped worrying about and focused on the match that was about to start. Sheamus got upperhand at the beginning. After about 30 minutes, the match was getting more intense and seemed to be coming to it's end.

Sheamus then got nailed with the RKO and I gasped. I stood on the apron and Randy ignored me, but the referee didn't as he screamed at me to get off the ring apron. Randy told the referee to count and when Sheamus saw him turn around, he nailed him with a Brogue Kick. I cheered and Sheamus got the three-count ending their feud with Sheamus winning. I went into the ring and raised Sheamus' hand as we both were smiling. As I let go of Sheamus' hand, Randy got back up and decided to attack Sheamus. He kicked him in the crotch and went for a spear on him, but Sheamus moved not realizing I was behind me. And, boom! All the impact hit me from Randy's spear. Several gasps were heard from the crowd and Randy and Sheamus were shocked.

The last thing I saw was Sheamus coming over to me to check on me before I blacked out.

A/N: WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED? COMMENT. <3 sorry for skipping four months.

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