Chapter Nine.

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Kelly Kelly.

1 week later.

As Eve opened her eyes, I noticed her moving around. I jumped up with excitement. "Eve! You're awake!" I exclaimed. Eve had been in a coma for a week. "What happened to me, Kelly?" Eve questioned looking around at the walls of the hospital room. "Someone stabbed you in the stomach two times, and got away. They were coming after me, but I got away.", I paused. "This is all my fault, if I wouldn't of just got away, it would be me who got stabbed, not you." I began to break down in tears. "Honey, it is not your fault, I promise you that. We'll get justice, I promise you that.", Eve said with a smile on her face. "You're right. You're the best friend I could ever have, Eve." I stated. "You're the best friend I could ever have as well. I'm going to take another nap. I'm exhausted. You go home and do the same thing, see ya later." Eve told me as we hugged before Eve drifted off to sleep. I left the hospital and went back to the hotel.

At the hotel, I met Randy there. "Hey babe." he said as I pecked him on the cheek. "Hey Randy." I said while walking into my room. "I missed you so much last night!" He exclaimed as I hugged him tightly. "It's just been so much stress on me with everything." I said holding my head in pain. "Maybe we could relieve some of that stress." Randy said as he smirked. His lips touched mine suddenly as I moved my lips with his in sync. He became more rough as he pushed me onto the bed. He took off his shirt quickly as I seen a glimpse of his abs before he started kissing me once again. His hands touched my chest grabbing my shirt. Randy took my shirt off slowly as he smiled. As he started to unhook my bra, I stopped him. "Randy, I can't do this right now." I stated. He let go of me and sat back down on the bed. "Why can't you, Kelly?" He questioned me. "Because I just don't want too right now, Randy. Okay, when I want too, I will." I told him. 

Randy kissed me as he left and I got ready for later. I hopped into the shower by myself. As I washed my hair and body, I felt the warm water splash against my back. After finishing, I got out of the shower and put on a turquoise t-shirt and some jean shorts. My blonde hair finally dried before I curled it. As I looked in the mirror, I still wasn't satisfied with everything. Pulling my lime green nail polish out of my drawer, I began to paint each fingernail. After I finished, I watched television while they dried. Checking my looks in the mirror a second time, I was finally satisfied. As I turned the TV off, I slipped on my hot pink high heels. I then left my room as I shut the door behind me. 

I knocked onto Natalya's locker room door repeatedly. She opened the door looking dressed up in a spectacular outfit. "Ready to go?" I questioned her. "Ready as I'll ever be.", she replied. She closed the door and we walked to the parking lot. We were using her SUV. After about 30 minutes, we arrived at the huge mall. As soon as we got out of the car, we seen Victoria's Secret, which was our favorite store we went too together. Natalya picked out a few bras and two pink shirts. I picked out a pink bra, black yoga pants, a pure white dress, and a yellow t-shirt. After paying for our items, we realized that an hour had already been wasted of our time. There was only an hour and a half left. 

Next, we went to Bath & Body Works. Natalya got a few things while I only got one. Then, we went to JCPenney's. I got a baby blue t-shirt and some lime green high heels. Natalya didn't get anything from there. We only had 30 minutes left. So, we went ahead and stopped in Claire's. I didn't get anything out of there, but Natalya got one thing. After that, we were out of time to get back. Natalya and I ran back out to the SUV with our bags in our hands and got inside. We stopped and got some food since I was hungry. After we finished our food, we got back and headed to our locker rooms. "Hey babe, where'd you go?" Randy questioned me as soon as I walked inside the room. "Hey, I went with Natalya to the mall." I replied. "Oh okay, I was just getting worried." He stated. 

Then, I realized that Monday Night Raw was beginning really soon. I had the Diva's Championship again. Tonight, I would be facing Daniella in her first shot at the Diva's title. This was going to be fun and interesting. The speaker boomed suddenly throughout the place, "Monday Night Raw starts in 3...2....1.... Now!" I got changed into my sky blue attire. "Kelly, I don't have a match tonight, but I'll be watching yours.", he said. "Okay, I love you." I said as he the smile on his face brightened. "Diva's to gorilla position." The speaker announced as I left the room with the Diva's Championship across my shoulder. This was a lumberjill match. Natalya wished me good luck before the divas had to go out there. Daniella glared back at me with a smirk on her face as her theme song played throughout the arena and she went out. "She is the current WWE Diva's Champion, Kelly Kelly!" The ring announcer shouted as I made my way down the ramp clapping people's hands. 

The match started and we tied up very quickly. Daniella caught me in a headlock, but I was too fast for her and got out of it successfully. She moved back toward the corner and smirked. I ran towards her and she moved out of the way and I stopped myself before hitting my head on the turnbuckle. Suddenly, I tripped and fell without Daniella touching me. Looking back, I seen A.J Lee pulling my foot so I would fall. Daniella came over and kicked me several times in my side. She got on top of my back and started to put me in a Cobra Clutch as she smiled. I made my way out of the maneuver and dropped her down on her back. I threw her out of the ring towards Natalya, The Bella Twins, and Kaitlyn. They didn't throw her back in the ring like they were supposed to. Instead, Natalya went straight after her. Nattie picked her up by her hair and threw her across the mat. The four divas began to kick her in her sides and back. Finally, the heel divas came over and helped get them off Daniella. 

Daniella got back into the ring and tried to attack me. She knocked me down to the ring mat and I dodged her next attack and hit a hurricanrana knocking her down. Daniella got back up quickly and I kicked her in the gut almost bringing her down to her knees. Then, I kicked her in the head as her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she fell to her back. I taunted to the crowd which led them to cheer for me. I taunted too long and Daniella got back up and rolled me up for a quick two-count. I kicked out and quickly hit a K2 out of nowhere. I covered her for a three-count and the win. "Here is your winner and still the WWE Diva's Champion, Kelly Kelly!!!" The ring announcer yelled throughout the arena. I held the title up showing it off to the crowd. The heel divas looked pissed that Daniella did not win the match and the championship. I walked back up the ramp as I felt sweat dripping on my hands. Once we got backstage, Randy was there waiting for me to arrive. "Great job babe!" He exclaimed. We hugged each other tightly and walked back to the locker room. 

This was just the perfect night I could ever have in my life. 

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