Chapter Eleven.

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Randy Orton.

That was absolutely the best day ever. I had so much fun with Kelly today, it was the first time we had spent time together since the first time we dated. Kelly was always the one, she was always the one I truly loved. As we got out of the car and began walking through the parking lot, I heard a huge gunshot. Before I could even turn around to look, I felt a huge bullet enter my back as I fell to the ground immediately. My breathing was slowing down and before I knew it, I could barely breathe at all. Kelly was attending to me, I could faintly hear her screams and cries out for help. That's when my eyes completely shut and my life was fading before me.

Kelly Kelly.

So many tears streamed down my face. I felt like a waterfall now. I screamed as loud as I absolutely could. "Someone help!" I shouted out. A shadow was just a few cars down from me. Looking towards the car, there was surely enough a person standing right there with a black hood over their head. I shot up and ran after them leaving Randy. "Come back here, you bitch!" I screamed at the hooded person. As fast as I ran, I still could not catch up with them. My legs ached from running, so I stopped. Then, I heard the ambulance sirens roaring towards the parking lot. Randy was now being lifted into the ambulance on a stretcher. I hopped into the ambulance and sat next to him holding his hand. "He's not breathing back here!" The doctor shouted as tears kept falling from my eyes.

Once we got to the hospital, Randy was breathing barely. I couldn't believe that anybody would do this. First, this bitch tries to kill me, but stabs Eve. Then, they shoot my boyfriend. They are going down, whether they like it or not, I will find out who it is. "Kelly, promise me that you will find out who did this." Randy suddenly said while I was sitting in the chair next to him. "I will, I promise you that." I replied smiling. As I leaned down and pecked him on the lips, I left the hospital. It was time to investigate. 

I went to the hotel's security room. After explaining why I needed to view the cameras, the guard let me look at the cameras from earlier. I inserted the tape into the player and the first thing that popped up was Randy's car pulling into the parking lot. I saw us get out of the car and begin walking. Suddenly,  this figure popped up standing about 70 feet away from us as they shot Randy. I tried to get a good view of them, but their face wasn't visible. That's when I saw a streak of curly brunette hair. The same color of Daniella's hair. Immediately, I stood up and stormed out of the room heading towards Daniella's room hoping to find her. Rooms flew past me as I walked down the hallway. I stopped and turned the door handle hoping for it to be open. But it was locked. Bang, bang, bang. I pounced on the door several times before it flew open with Daniella standing there wearing a pink top and some skinny jeans. She tried shutting the door quickly, but I kicked it back open. 

I jumped on her tackling her as she struggled to get out of my reach. "How dare you, you bitch!" I shouted in her face as I yanked a piece of her hair out. She screamed loudly and smacked me across my right cheek making me get off of her. "What the hell are you doing?" She asked me panting. "First, you try to kill me, then you stab my friend, and finally you shoot my boyfriend." I told her as a confused look appeared onto her face. "What are you talking about? I may hate you, but I'd never actually do that." She said as I laughed knowing she was obviously lying. I mean, she had to be lying, right? "You're a liar and you always will be, so just confess that you did all those things." I demanded with my voice getting angrier by the second. "I didn't do shit, Kelly. I hate your fucking guts, I think you're a nasty slut and a bitch, but I didn't do those things." She revealed as my eyes popped wide open. Then, with a closed hard fist, I hit her straight in the nose as she fell to the ground hurt. Her nose looked almost broken. I left the room satisfied.

After that, I kept thinking about it. Daniella couldn't have done those things. She wasn't even at the hotel the day Eve was hurt. Who could have done this then? Daniella was the only one that I thought was sick enough to do this. Exactly, this had to be someone I didn't expect it to be. Daniella being the person would be way too obvious. My phone rang and it was the police department. "We got the DNA results back on that hoodie. It came back as nothing though. There was no DNA traced on the black hoodie." the lady said through the phone. "That's impossible." I replied shocked. "It is possible, I'm sorry, we'll try to figure out who it was as soon as possible." the lady stated apologetically. I ended the call and placed my phone back in my pocket. As I walked towards my room, the whole hotel looked absolutely deserted.

When I opened the door, the room had Eve's clothes laying across the floor and on her bed. Some of my clothes laid across the floor ripped in half. My sheets were off my bed. There was a note lying on my bed. The writing didn't look familiar at all. The note read: You got the wrong person bitch. I ripped the note up and threw it in the trash. After about an hour or so, I had cleaned the room back up. My phone rang, Randy was calling from the hospital. I pressed the button that said "answer". "Hello?" I heard Randy say from the other line. "Hey, you alright?" I questioned him as I laid in my bed. "I'm fine, I was just worried about you." he replied. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Nothing's going wrong." I replied lying hoping he wouldn't notice. "Are you sure about that, Kelly?" He asked me worriedly. "I'm positive." I promised him through the phone. "Okay babe, well I'll talk to you later, come visit me tomorrow. I'll miss you." He said tired. "Okay. Love you. Bye." I told him goodbye. "Goodbye, love you too." He said as I ended the call.

I played Candy Crush Saga on my phone for a little while. After I beat level 210, I set my phone down and plugged in the charger letting it charge up for tomorrow. The clock read; 1:16 a.m. I turned on the television and began watching 12 Rounds: Reloaded. Seeing Randy's face almost made me tear up. Seeing him in this much pain killed me. Eventually, halfway through the movie, I drifted away off to sleep. 

A/N; Wow. Randy gets shot, Kelly attacks Daniella, Kelly's room gets trashed, the attacker left a note, and Kelly obviously is being torn apart over Randy being in the hospital. Another question though, where is Eve? Didn't she get out of the hospital, hmm.. where is she? Find out next time. -J

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