Jesse smirks, holding her fist out to me.

I give it a bump with my own.

I had to hand it to her.

She was good at this.

"Now, let's get you back to the portal and get to where we need to be." Petra states, making Magnus stop walking with us.

"One problem. This place is crawling with griefers. And I am the king of boom town, meaning I cannot leave." He explains, making Jesse look down at the lava in thought.

Her eyes light up.

"Why don't one of us battle yo ufor the crown, and just simply give it up to someone else? Then we can get out of here." Jesse suggests, making the odd man smirk.

He pats her on the shoulder.

"I like how you think kid." He states, making her smile.

I didn't like where this was going, and next thing I know we are standing in the thunder dome, with Jesse and Magnus ready to face off.

God, why did we ever open that game?

Petra's POV

I watch as the two competitors build their structors.

Jesse's is a giant wool pig, which I find a bit cute.

But then Magnus just jas a regular looking stand.

"Hey, you think think Jesse will win this?" Axle whispers so that Reuben doesn't hear us.

He is only a few blocks away.

"Of course she can win. I'm more concerned with how she will win." I mutter, looking up at the girl that had only just appeared in my life.

The crowd roars in laughter at Jesse, making me nervous for her, but she doesn't react.

She stands there, proud and brave.

The sun shines over her, lighting up her eyes.


I shake away the thought.

No Petra.

I couldn't ruin a perfectly good friendship with my feelings, I just couldn't.

"The fight begins now!" The annoncer shouts in a deep voice.

The crowd goes crazy, screaming for Magnus to take down Jesse.

Or Jesse, The Amulet Holder.

Weird choice yet still cool.

Both Jesse and Magnus pull out eggs according to plan.

Magmus throws the first egg, which Jesse pretends to dodge, only to let it hit her arm.

A chicken runs around on her platform, making the crowd roar with laughter.

She lightly kicks it off, her eyes narrowing.

She throws her own egg, hitting Magnus in the back of the head as he continues to gloat about his hit.

"Ah! You dare hit Magnus the Rouge with an egg!?" He shouts angrily, kicking the chicken away.

"Hit her with TNT Magnus!" Some of the griefers shout.

Jesse still holds her ground, and even steps towards her own TNT cannon.

Magnus nods.

"If its TNT you want, its TNT you'll get!" He shouts dramatically out to the audience.

When She Went To ThemWhere stories live. Discover now