Chapter 37

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Daniel's P.O.V.

"Joey, come here I have a surprise for you!" I yell from our house we just bought together.
"What is it?" Joey yells from up the stairs.
"Come down for one second I have a surprise!" I yell back up to him.

In no time he is running down the stairs with a big smile on his face.
"What?" He says in his cute innocent voice that gets me everytime.
"I have a surprise," I say making his face light up, "but you have to wear this." I hold up one of the scarves I wore at coachella years ago when I went with Joey for the first time.
"Ewww. No," he says stepping away for me.
"Come on just do it for me," I say grabbing his hands and pulling him to me.
"Fine," he says finally giving in. I wrap the blind fold around his eyes. Joey can't see and I run my hands on his sides and on his butt.
"What are you doing?" He says very confused.
"Oh, I was just checking to see if you had your phone," I whisper so he doesn't fully catch every word I say.
"What? Where are you?" He says as I walk over and grab his camera. I knew his viewers would want to see this. Can you believe at this point he has 5 million subscribers? I'm so proud of my boy.
"Here hold onto my shoulders," I say as he grabs onto me and we walk outside. I situate him by the pool and I can tell he is nervous. Wolf, our dog we have together, barking doesn't ease his nervousness.
"Can I take it off," he says in a breathy voice.
"No," I say trying to scare him a bit more, "okay, you can take it off," I say after a few seconds. He warily takes it off and right as the scarf goes over his eyes I push him into the pool.
"Haha you mother fucker. Come here. What is that?" He says pointing over to the little hut I made. We haven't told our viewers about our relationship yet so I have to lie.
"I made it. It's a fort for me and Wolf," I say smiling because I know that in reality it is for me and Joey. He gets out of the pool and acts like he is going to hug me, considering he is all wet. After about another minute of goofing around on camera, I turn it off.

"You're a bitch," Joey says coming over to me.
"Well, i'm your bitch," I say pulling him into a hug. I kiss his cheek .His clothes make my clothes get soaked, but I don't care. We both go inside and change into sweatpants, we don't bother with shirts. We go back outside and go into the little hut I made. I lay down and Joey lays next to me. I wrap my arms around him and he lays his head on my chest.
"I didn't think we'd ever end up here," Joey says looking out towards the stars, "I thought it was our fate to end up without eachother. But the truth is, i've always loved you. Even before I knew you. My heart waited for you. I knew I couldn't love anyone but you. With all the fighting and time apart it only made me realize that I loved you more. I was miserable without you but I was too stupid to notice. I love you Daniel with everything I am and with everything I will be," Joey says sitting up and looking into my eyes. I sit up too and just hug him. I hug him because I know he's my world. I know he is everything i've ever wanted in my life. I know he is everything i've ever hoped and dreamed for. And for the first time in my life, my dream could come true if only I dared to make it happen.
"Wake up. Please. Wake up," Joey says sounding like his hurt voice from years ago again.

And then it hits me. It all starts going blurry and Joey is slipping from my arms util reality hits me again and I awake in a hospital bed, listening to my heart beat, and a mortified Joey standing over me as well as his fuckboy.
"It was all a dream," I say ask quietly as I can.
"What?" Joey says through tears. Preston grabs his hand and I glance down at how Joey willingly laces his fingers with Preston's.
"It was all a fucking dream!" I say and I begin to pull at all of the tubes and monitors on me. I begin ti rip them all off of me. Joey gets on top of me and pins me down. Preston runs to get a nurse. I stop struggling because I know at this point that i'm way to exhausted to keep fighting him, emotionally and physically.

"Why'd you do it?" Joey says pointing down at my arm.
"Because the one person that actually meant something to me dod it to. I wanted to go out the exact way the love of my life had to struggle with.
One for cheating on you,
Two for lying about it, Three for loosing your trust, Four for letting you slip away into Preston's reach, Five for chasing after you when I should have just moved on, Six for not taking you back when I had the chance,nd Seven for giving up when I promised I would never," I say not crying. I can't cry anymore. I can't cry for someone after all of this.
"Daniel. I um brought you this," Joey says taking one of the two bracelets off his right wrist and placing it on mine. A tear falls down his cheek and lands on the bed sheets beside me.
"Thank you," I whisper to him and take a deep breath.

The next second, a few doctors are running into the room with Preston. Joey leaps off of me and I finally hear all the monitors and I can finally feel the effects because I ripped out all of the tubes and what not. It starts to be hard to breath and the doctors try and try to save me. But sometimes, we are all a little too far gone to be saved forever.

I Won't Give Up •The Substitute Teacher Sequel•Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum