Chapter 33

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Quick Note- I'm going to finish this story before I continue writing on The Silver Lining and Life Support. I just had a quick question, After this one ends, do you want another book that goes with this story? I know some of you may not but if you do, please let me know so I can get that going. Anyways, enjoy this extra chapter tonight because I love you all!!!! Xoxo, Kaylin

Joey's P.O.V.
   "I love you," Daniel said turning around and staring directly in my eyes. He puts his fist in his mouth and makes a little cry, as if he doesn't want to leave. A waterfall begins to flow down my cheeks when he leaves.

   "I'm so so so sorry, Daniel," I whisper so there was no way on this earth that he could even have a feeling that I said those six words.

   There is no way Preston doesn't love me. Sure, we have been through hell and back together but he loves me. Daniel is just trying to be selfish. I mean, I even finally forgave him and he said no. Daniel is just trying to fuck up my emotions and I for one am not going to let him do that.

   I close my eyes to go to sleep. Because after everything I have been to recently, I damn well deserve some rest.

   I'm looking around the field as Daniel is out there dancing around with our beautiful twin girls. I smile to myslef because I didn't think I would be this happy at 35. I thought my whole life was going to be in shambles but he picked me up and saved me. And I love him.
   He comes back over with the girls and they go inside to clean themselves up and he just stands in front of me smiling.
   "What are you staring at?" I say laughing throughout the whole sentence.
   "I just love looking at my world," he says squatting down to sit in front of me and just stare in my eyes. Even after all these years he still makes me blush.
   "I love you Daniel. So fucking much," I say springing into his lap and hugging him. I pull out of the hug a bit and Daniel gives me a sweet, soft kiss.
   "I love you too, now wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He says shaking me.

   "AHHH!" I scream and shake as I wake up. I soon realize the shaking is from Preston, he was also yelling wake up.
   "What were you dreaming about Joey?" Preston says stroking through my hair and smiling.
   "I'm not quite sure. But whatever it was, it was beautiful," I say still a little out of it from the dream.
   "So, what did you do after I left yesterday?" He says getting up from the bed and sitting on the chair next to it.
   "Uh, Daniel came by and um we talked," I say and as soon as the word Daniel slips off my tongue I can instantly see Preston's eyes get dark.
   "What did that fucker say to you?" He says instantly sounding very defensive, weird.
   "He um, he tried to tell me you don't actually love me and that you're using me to get an audience which is crazy!" I say becoming quite nervous actually.
   "Uh huh. I hope you didn't believe him. He is just trying to get to you. Don't let him," He says obviously clenching his jaw, strange.
   "Yeah. I told him to leave me alone. But we all know Daniel, you tell him to go and he always finds his way back," I say staring down at my hands because I can't help but feel sick to my stomach in this situation.
   "If he gets anywhere near you I will kill him," Preston says trying to sound all big and bad.
   "You know damn well Daniel could kick your ass," I say laughing a little at my own joke.
   "He could not," Preston says crossing his arms. I think it is funny how defensive he gets so easily.
   "Whatever you say, Preston. Have you seen his body?" I say beginning to mentally drool as I remember every curve placed on Daniel's body and how perf- stop thinking about Daniel when the person you love is sitting right infront of you.
   "No I haven't and I don't intend to," he says standing up. His jaw is still clenching and I can tell he is furious.
   "Are you seriously mad," I chuckle as he walks towards the door.
   "No, do you want food?" He says not even turning around.
   "No thanks. My nurse will be here soon. I love you," I say to him as he slams the door shut.

   I sit there bored to tears before my nurse finally comes in.
   "Hey Joey! Good news, you get to go home tomorrow!" She says with the biggest smile on her face.
   "Yayy. I thought I was going to be in here for atleast another five days," I say as she does all of her checking things she has to do.
   "That dark haired tall man that comes and visits you is very sexy," she says as she is writing down some things on my board.
   "Yeah. He is isn't he?" I say. Of course, I am dating Preston. But I can't help but admire what used to be mine.
   "Joey, I don't know what he is to you but if I were you I wouldn't loose him. This whole time you have been in here he hasn't left until today. He is constantly asking how you are and if he needs to get you anything. That other guy, the one that just walked out, is a jerk to him though. He better watch out because the brunette could kick his ass," she says chuckling a little bit.
   "That's what I just told him but he won't listen. The one who could get his ass kicked is my boyfriend, Preston. The brunette is my ex, Daniel, " I say trying to clariffy every relationship tie to them so she doesn't get anything mixed up.
   "Hold onto Daniel. We don't find many people in life like him so don't take him for granted. Okay? Anyways, tomorrow you get to go home so enjoy your last meal here, they'll bring it in a few minutes," she says hugging me and then walking out of the room.

   It's hard to hold onto someone when you both have let go....

I Won't Give Up •The Substitute Teacher Sequel•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang