Chapter 35

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Joey's P.O.V.

I wake up in a pool of my own tears. I rub my eyes and I see Preston on the chair next to me passed out. I wish he would lay with me, make me feel better.

"Preston," I whisper. He immediatly shoots open his eyes and just looks at me.
"Oh, good morning. The nurses said you were upset about something. What was it, Joey?" He says standing up and placing his hand on my cheek stroking the dried streaks and newly fallen tears.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm just tired of being in this hell hole. And. And. And," I say trying to get out what I really want to say.
"And what baby?" He says placing both of his hands on my face to cup my cheeks.
"And i'm tired of disappointing everyone," I say but I get more and more quiet as the sentence goes on and on.
"Joey you do-" he says but the nurse walks in.
"You ready to go home?" She says with a shining shimmering splendid smile on her face.
"Hell yes!" I yell and remove Preston's hands from my face.

Preston picks me up out of the bed and doesn't set me in the wheel chair she has for me.
"I can carry him. I promise," he laughs and walks out to the lobby. He has to sign a few papers but before I know it, he sets me in the car.

"Let's go home," he says and kisses me on the forehead before jogging to the other side of the car.

He places his hand on my thigh as we begin to drive. I take my phone out of my pocket and go into my messages. I have quite a few from my friends and family asking if i'm okay. I acidentally click on Daniel's name and something strange catches my eye. The three dots. He's texting me. He's typing. He's been typing for a long damn time what's taking him so long? I brush it off and lock my phone. He'll send it whenever he's ready.

We finally make it back to my house and Preston tries to pick me up but I stop him.
"I can walk," I say trying to stand but being in the bed for so long mad my legs weak. I stumble and Preston is quick to catch me.
"Sure you can," he says kissing me on the forehead.
"I love you," I say laughing and walking ahead of him. He doesn't reply, strange.

The next thing I know I am waking up. My body is cuddled up into Preston's and he is watching some show. I guess I fell asleep.
"How was your nap?" He says rubbing my thigh.
"Amazing," I said laughing while nuzzling my head into his neck and placing a light kiss.
"How are you feeling?" He says sitting up and putting me in his lap. I place my head on his shoulder.
"Better. My head is still pounding but it has ever since I fell so it is to be expected. How are you?" I say lifting my head off his shoulder and looking him in the eyes. His eyes instantly go dark as he looks me up and down. He leans into my ear and bites it making me jump.
"Why don't I show you?" He whispers in a throaty voice that makes my heart beat faster.

He leans out of my ear and kisses me. Not in a sweet way, but in a lustful I need you now kind of way. He forces his tongue into my mouth and I decide at this point that fighting for dominance isn't important. He begins to kiss down my neck, sucking to make sure he leaves a mark. By the time he reaches for my shirt I place my hand on his and stop him.

"I'm uh, not ready for this," I say instantly feeling like an idiot by the look he gives me.
"Why not? You said you love me," Preston says looking offended.
"Yeah. But if you love me then you won't force me to do anything i'm not ready to do!" I say standing up from him.
"Oh my god don't be such a baby," he says standing up to hug me but I pull myself away from him.
"Don't touch me," I say and walk away from him.
"Why? Are you not ready to hug het either?" He says mocking me in my own house. I grab my phone and run upstairs to my, well our, bedroom.

I lay there for a second and think about everything before I remember before when I saw that Daniel was texting me. I unlock my phone and go into my messages but he still hasn't sent it. What's going on?

Sleeping was impossible. I tossed and turned all night because no one was there to sleep with me. I love Preston so damn much but I had to seperate myself from the situation before I said something I may truly regret.

It was 2 a.m. when I heard my phone ringing. Surely no one would call me at 2 a.m. unless it was an emergency. I rolled over and saw it was the hospital, calling me, at 2 in the morning. My heart began to pound as I picked up my phone and all the possible problems ran through my head.

I answered my phone and what they told me immediatley broke my heart.

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