Chapter 21

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Joey's P.O.V.

I wake up and I can already feel how puffy my eyes are. I am not sure how long I cried last night but I know I sang myself to sleep with my tears. I'm not sure what all of my emotions are right now but I sure as hell would like to figure them out.

I am in the kitchen making breakfast when I hear my phone ring. In all honesty I hope it isn't Preston nor Daniel. And I got my wish. It was some unknown number. I let it go to voicemail and continued to make my eggs. They always make me feel better when the rest of my world is crashing down.

I contemplated listening to the voicemail. But I knew if I did I may regret it. It could be anyone calling about anything and I for one am not in the mood to cry anymore.

What is baffling my mind is how Preston acted yesterday. He acted as if I could just forget about the whole thing and move on with my life. But here's the thing, I gave Daniel my all in our relationship as well. Seeing something you worked so hard on fail isn't the best feeling in the world. And you sure as hell can't erase it from your memory.

After about three hours of just watching Netflix, I hear the doorbell ring. I pause the show and stand up. A few things run through my mind: is this Daniel? Is this Preston? Or am I about to be murdered? And to be quite honest with you, I wish it was the last one.

I still care for Daniel. I care alot actually. Probably too much in fact. Probably enough where in the end everything is going to come crashing down on me. Because it seems as though that's how life has decided to treat me. I fall in love with someone who I guess is a heart breaker.

I get to the door and unlock it. As I slowly open the door I can see the limbs I know all too familiar. Way too familiar. Someone who at this point in time can only make my situation worse. I haven't seen them in a while. And I had hoped I would never see them again. But I guess never is too long to not run into someone who you were crazy about. And someone who was crazy about you.

"What are you doing here Ricky?"

Authors Note:
Yayyy update!
I want to know what stories of mine you have read and which ones you are currently reading. Let me know! I will say that their is a little bit of foreshadowing in this chapter but I won't say what it is ;) I hope you guys enjoyed this update! If you did please vote, comment, share, and all that good stuff! Don't forget to follow me on Wattpad to see when I post mew stories. I love you all and I am so excited to be updating again. See you tomorrow on the Silver Lining! Xoxo, Kaylin

I Won't Give Up •The Substitute Teacher Sequel•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat