Chapter 15 | Brothers

Start from the beginning

The love of a Pirate King, now that would be something to witness. Cherry had always mused about the woman that Obsidian would fall in love with and I had never paid her much attention, casting it aside as a woman's interfering ramblings. Being a veteran of Zeus Gold's crew I had watched those boys grow up and after witnessing Obsidian fight his Father to the death, never once had I thought of him growing up and falling in love. That boy was disturbed, had been since before that gruesome day and had only grown more so afterwards. The loyalty that he showed towards his brother was the closest I had seen him come to love.

I leaned back in my chair again. If Obsidian Bones was to love, truly love another... I pulled a cigar out of my pouch and lit it, dragging in a deep breath before exhaling. My associate's story was becoming more and more believable. But where was I to begin if I wanted to uncover the truth?

"Jack, Jack! Excuse me, get outta my way filth, JACK!"

I raised an eyebrow, easily spotting the man who was attempting to push towards me. It was one of the boys who worked on the docks, Daniel. He was a big man, middle aged and higher up on the ladder than most of those currently occupying my establishment. Normally his appearance matched his status, clean cut, presentable, but at the moment his hair was tousled, his square face red and flustered.

I stood to greet him, holding up my hands as he broke through the last of crowd. "Woah Danny, what's the deal here? Care to let me have some of whatever you're having? With the shit hand I've just been dealt, I could do with a pick me up."

My light-hearted remark didn't even seem to register with him and it was then that I knew he meant business.

"Alright, Danny what's going on, you officially have my attention."

"Jack, Jack you aren't going to believe who just dropped anchor at the docks. It's him Jack, it's him. He wants to see you, he followed me here, I told him to wait."

"You told who to wait?"

"He's by the door Jack. I'm sorry, I got here as fast as I could.

My eyes narrowed as I clapped a hand on Daniels shoulder, looking past him to where he had gestured. A figure leaned up against the doorway, clothed in black, hat pulled down over his eyes. Already he was starting to draw attention, I watched as those closest to him began to realize who he was, the circle around him growing wider with every second.

My hand tightened on the other man's shoulder and I nodded curtly. "I see. Thanks Danny, go grab your-self a pint eh? On the house." Without waiting to hear his answer I made my way swiftly through the pub, reaching the man in a matter of seconds.

"Let's go outside. C'mon. Now."

He followed me silently back the way we had come. It was early morning now, the sun had not yet fully made an appearance, but the lightening of the sky suggested that it wouldn't be long before it did.

We reached the docks in less than ten minutes without a word spoken between us and soon I was standing in front of a ship that looked all too familiar. The man stopped beside me, tilting up his hat. His hand fell down on my shoulder.

"It's good to see you Jack." His voice was laced with sadness and as I turned to meet his gaze the twisting in my gut told me that I was about to find out the answer to all of my earlier questions.

"Didn't expect you back so soon Cobalt," I said lightly.

"A lot has changed in the short time we were gone, that's for sure."

I swallowed and the silence lingered as I struggled to find words to shape the question that I had no desire to hear the answer to. I cursed myself as I looked back to the ship, unable to meet his gaze as I said: "I heard ... Is he?"

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