If they do it will just cause panic.

And panic is the last thing we need right now.

Axle runs, landing perfectly on the next roof.

Petra follows, landing a good distance away from the edge.

Finally I run, jumping over the gap.

I land with a roll, stopping with my feet on the ground.

Axle is on the next roof already, while Petra waits for me.

"I'm fine." I state, not taking the hand that she extends to me.

I really needed to get back home.

Things around here were getting dangerous and weird.

And I just wanted to go home.

Eggs fly through the air, landing all around us.

"Ah!" I yelp as one his me in the nose.

I hold my face, narrowing my eyes at the greifers that surround us on the rooftops around us, tossing snowballs and eggs.

I dodge two more eggs while Petra blocks a few snowballs, making the dust fly up above us.

The sparkling snow lands in her hair, making it glimmer in the sun.

My heart stops at the sight.

She dodges another egg, making our eyes connect.

As soon as that happens I look away, trying to find a new way out.

The way Axle took is now blocked by greifers.

The only way out is up.

"Come on!" I shout, taking her hand and dragging her towards the higher house that is only slightly covered with griefers.

Luckily there are only one or two of them.

We go through the broken window.

"Why are we here? They will just surround us!" She shouts angrily, making me shake my head.

"No! They will surrond themselves!" I say excitedly, making her look confused.

I go through my pockets, finding my portable speaker is still there.


My phone is in my hand in seconds.

I hook up my phone to the speaker through Bluetooth.

"Jesse.... Whatever you're doing please hurry up. They are getting closer." Petra advises.

I tie a string to the speaker from the spiders Petra rescued me from earlier.

"Why do that?" She asks as I stick it onto the wall with a slime ball.

I smile.

"So we can get it back." I state as we climb the stairs upwards.

Once we are close enough to the top I click a few buttons, letting some recorded dialogue from the game off YouTube play loud and clear for all the greifers to hear.

Petra looks confused at the sound of her own voice being played without her saying anything.

"How did you do that?" She whispers as Jesse's voice adds in, which sounds like my own voice.

I smile, pulling the string to pull the speaker after me.

The buildings are all hallow and are connected, so that it made it hard to tell exactly where the sound was coming from.

When She Went To ThemWhere stories live. Discover now