Annoying Thing 141

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Getting tagged! Just kidding, it's not that annoying. But tbh, all chain message type things like this are kinda pointless but still a little fun to do. ANYWAY.

Apparently there's one of those things going around where you have to do this thing and then tag a bunch of friends and then if you get tagged you have to do the thing too and then tag a whole bunch more people. If you've ever been in the Internet before, you know what I mean. So here's 13 facts about mwah since I was tagged by Iceicle :

1. My favorite colors are pink and lime green. My room is even painted pink and lime stripes. I know right, that's such a SabyJo thing to do.

2. My top 5 bands (in order from most favorite to least favorite) are 5 Seconds of Summer, Panic! At the Disco, Sleeping With Sirens, Green Day, and Hey Violet.

3. My favorite song is Try Hard by 5 Seconds of Summer because out of all the songs I've listened to so far in my life, I can relate to it the most and it's very encouraging and has a good message.

4. When I grow up, I want to write novels and poetry for a living. You guys on Wattpad are helping me practice so thanks. :3

5. My favorite animal is a flamingo and I don't think they get nearly as much appreciation as they deserve. It takes skill to balance on one leg and eat so much of your favorite food that you literally turn pink.

6. My favorite store is Hot Topic and I don't go there nearly as much as I'd like to because I have no money. Gift cards for there are greatly appreciated. Yes, I'm talking to you irl friends. :P

7. My favorite movie is the Titanic and no it had nothing to do with Michael Clifford's stupid Titanic pick up line, I just really like the movie and secretly I am a hopeless romantic shhh...

8. My favorite books are the Harry Potter series (and my fav out of those is the Prisoner of Azkaban if anyone cares) because J K Rowling is truly an inspiration and her story gives so many great messages to kids and it's all inside of this amazingly creative universe that every kid wants to go to and be a wizard and fly on a hippogriff and kill a dementor and conquer a boggart and dear God what am I saying...

9. I'm missing two organs: my gallbladder and my spleen. Thanks liver disease! *sarcastic cheeky thumbs up*

10. My favorite YouTubers are Dan Howell and Phil Lester (sorry everyone in MDE D:) but if you're really going to make me pick just one channel, I'd have to say DanandPhilGAMES because they're both in there. :)

11. My favorite Anime (even though I have not seen a lot) is Ouran High School Host club because who doesn't love a parody making fun of something that the parody itself is?!? That made no sense but just... I like the irony okay. XD and I have a thing for Karu and Hikaru or whatever the twins names are.

12. My favorite show is The Middle. It seems like no one has ever heard of this show but you should have because it's the most hilarious thing ever. My family is just like the Hecks.

13. I love swimming. I swim on my schools team, a year round club team, and in the ocean which is a few blocks from my house. I think I was meant to be a mermaid in another life.

I tag:

And yes, you're supposed to tag 13 more people. :) good luck and thanks for reading

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