Annoying Thing 135

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Judgmental hypocrites. There is a difference between being a complete judgmental douche and expressing your initial opinion or first impression of something. For example, if you were to see a goth person in public, their appearance may frighten you at first cause I mean, it's not every day you see a person with white face paint and red contacts (or whatever they happen to be wearing). BUT, that doesn't mean that you need to continue to think the goth person is an evil Satan worshiper. For all you know, they could be the nicest person you've ever met. It annoys me when people confuse judgement of character with APPROPRIATELY EXPRESSED first impressions. I often try to explain this to my overly conservative parents, but usually a few days later a conversation much like this will occur:

me: *whispers as a person walks past us in the store* wow, that is a lot of piercings

Parent: *sarcastically* well at least you're not judgmental...

Me: *sighs* it wasn't judgmental, I was merely stating the factual information that that guy has a large number of facial piercings


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