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The weeks and months fly by. Full order is restored. Gideon is tried and convicted on 3 counts of premeditated murder, for his brothers and wife. He is banished to the enchanted caves for eternity. Byron offers the Elf kingdom to Esmeralda and her husband, the baker, to which they graciously accept. He makes a fine king, treating their subjects with respect they've never known.

Giselle requests the Sprite kingdom for herself. The loss of 3 of her 4 brothers is too much and she decides she needs a significant change in her life, leaving her elderly husband to his many lovers. She apologizes to Sarah and truly attempts to be a sister-in-law to her.

Jareth and Sarah are offered the Gremlin kingdom, which they refuse. Instead of taking it themselves, Byron and Alesia decide to offer it to a distant relative, who does well with managing it. They visit frequently, especially toward the end of Sarah's pregnancy. Gideon's betrayal and the deaths of Sebastian and Antony had greatly aged and depressed Alesia, but the anticipated birth helps restore her to her former self.

Early one morning, Sarah feels as though it's time and Alesia shoos Jareth out of the room, calling for some medics. After an agonizing 13 hours, Sarah gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. He has Jareth's light blue eyes and Sarah's hair color, though it takes on the shaggy appearance of Jareth's. They decide to name him Atticus. Everyone is smitten with the newborn and take great pride in watching him grow older and learn new things.

Sarah and Jareth settle into a comfortable routine. She becomes more involved with the goblin subjects and the politics of running a kingdom, and is a great mother to Atticus. He is more relaxed than he'd ever been and Sarah begins to rub off on him immensely with the way he treats the goblins.

When Atticus is old enough to talk and hold conversations, he starts asking for a baby sister. When he is nearly 5, the kingdom welcomes a baby girl. This time the child resembles Jareth in all looks, but has Sarah's shy and determined demeanor. They name her Rosaline, but soon enough everyone is calling her Rosie.

The kids grow beautifully and Sarah tells them tales of her time as a human and their Uncle Toby. They grow up being very sheltered and loved.

* I'm truly sorry. I really had no idea how I wanted the epilogue to be, this was the best I could do given the fact that I just summed up things. I had no time at work this week, which is why I wasn't able to post it on Wednesday or Saturday.

** I'm really thinking of a sequel. I'm thinking that Atticus will be 21ish in human years, while Rosie is about 16. Maybe Gideon will try to reach them from his prison? Maybe they'll run away to the above ground to meet their uncle Toby and his family? Feel free to toss some suggestions my way. If I have enough people liking the idea of a sequel, I can start writing it as early as next week!

*** This chapter is dedicated to Pixies56 for being there from the very beginning! I am very grateful to you for your kind words on this fan fic. They've kept me going when I felt like giving up!

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