Chapter 23 - The Second Murder

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After days of confining themselves to their suite, Jareth and Sarah finally emerged. They were like two teenagers, completely infatuated with each other, not two immortal Fae's who would spend eternity with each other. It was quite silly and the servants of the castle chuckled in good spirits at them. When they were hungry, they simply ordered food to their room and no one had seen them other than that. Sarah loved the feeling of being loved and protected by another, heightened by their marriage. He was always touching her, holding her hand, caressing her face and hair. She loved it. She loved him.

The third morning after they emerged from their "honeymoon", they had a visit from an elf during breakfast. They were in the dining room.

"What can I bring you for your breakfast, my queen?" A goblin maid asked her.

Sarah smiled. Being referred to as queen was the weirdest thing to her.

"I'll have some waffles and eggs please," She said. As the maid turned she, she said, "What is your name?"

"Glinda," She replied.

"How long have you worked here Glinda? I've not seen you before now. Pansy usually takes care of our meals for us."

"I've had more servants hired," Jareth answered for the girl. "And will have one less if you don't run along."

The little goblin squeaked and bolted into the kitchen. The threat loomed over them, and Sarah was reminded of just how cruel her husband could be.

"They have feelings too you know," She said.

Jareth looked, wondering how to explain his though process to her. She glared at him before crossing her arms and looking at the opposite wall.

"They're used to my unkindness. I've never seen them as anything but servants, and I certainly wouldn't call them friends. The only reason Higbrain-" She glared at him and he corrected himself. "Hoggle has become my adviser is because you speak so highly of him. Unkindness gives them more motivation to please."

"That is nonsense and you know it," She retorts. "I'll not treat them like that."

They sat in silence, both contemplating their first marital spat. Pansy entered the room with an elf at her heels. Th elf looks very frazzled. Jareth stood upon seeing the elf, alarm flickering across his face.

"Master Jareth, king of goblins?" The elf asks and bows when he nods. "I am Freya, personal assistant to the Elvin King." Her eyes immediately glazed with tears. "King Antony has passed. The high king Byron has requested the presence of his living sons."

"What happened?" He questioned.

It was like deja vu. First Sebastian and now Antony. Could it be that he or Gideon could be next?"

"No one knows sir," She replied. "He'd gone to sleep and never woke. I was dispatched straight away to get you and Master Gideon. There is speculation that someone is targeting to overthrow you all."

Jareth paced the room before turning to Freya.

"Tell my father I'll arrive by sundown."

"I'm going too," Sarah stood.

He glanced at her and was about to tell her no. But when he saw the fired in her eyes, he knew there'd be no talking her out of it.

"Very well," He turned back to Freya, who nodded, bowed and left the castle with his message.

They didn't speak for the remainder of breakfast or while they were packing their bags. Jareth's heart was heavy with the loss of another brother, while his mind worked overtime with what Freya had told him. Sarah suggests leaving Hoggle in charge like last time. Preoccupied, he agrees without thinking and Sarah sends Pansy to alert Hoggle. He heads to the castle immediately and sees off the duo before assuming his role as stand in king.

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