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Sarah closed her worn copy of Labyrinth, lost in her memories. One would think that after it became her life, she'd want to lock it away forever. But no. She still read it regularly, clinging onto the memory of her friends. Not a day had gone by without them crossing her mind. Sarah even thought of him. Jareth, the Goblin King. She imagined his snarky demeanor and still heard his voice as if he were in the room with her.

It had been 5 years since her journey through the Labyrinth. Five long and lonely years since the day her life changed forever. If her fight against the goblins and their King had taught her anything, it was that family is one of the most important things you can have in your life.

She looked at the clock.

"I'm late again!" She jumped off the bed. "Lucy is going to kill me!"

Sarah had a weird feeling since she woke up that morning, but brushed it off as her subconscious self not wanting her to go to work. She enjoyed her job at Lucy's Clothing Boutique in town, but also loved lazy days with her books and imagined conversations with Hoggle.

"Stay in," She could hear him saying now. "You've a new novel you've been dying to start."

"Oh hush you," She laughed out loud, quickly sobering with another glance to the clock.

Sarah pulled on her sneakers and rushed out the door before checking outside. She didn't see or hear the rain until the door had already clicked shut, her keys left behind in the coat she'd neglected to grab.

"It's not fair." She said to herself, mostly out of habit. The childhood phrase had not left her after all these years and was uttered multiple times a day.

Deciding to make a run for it, she went three blocks and looked both ways before sprinting across the 4 lanes of the main intersection. Almost to the curb, the sound of squealing tires met her ears.

Before her brain could register what the sound meant, the world seemed to blur together. Suddenly Sarah found herself lying in a heap of broken glass and bones, Fighting to open her eyes. The sky, dark and angry above her, pours rain over her broken body. She feels nothing.

Her eyes droop, and begin to stay closed more than open. Sleep is coming, sleep will help her forget the pain that was starting to come. The silhouette of a body leaned over her, trying and failing to capture Sarah's attention.

All at once the pain hits her and she screams out in agony. She is able to focus her eyes enough to see the man with a phone pressed to his ear, calling for help. Behind him, perched on a mailbox is an owl with flecks of gold and brown.

Sarah's world fades to black...

Strangers 'Til Now - A Labyrinth fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now