Chapter 9 - Meet The Family

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Sarah woke with a pounding headache. The sun was shining in her eyes and the tiny cottage smelled of bacon and coffee. Groaning, she rolled over as Jareth entered the room with a tray of food and drink. When she tried to stand and walk to the little table, she felt dizzy and instead propped herself up on pillows. Jareth set the tray beside her and sat in a chair close to the bed.

"Good morning, pet," He said as she sipped a mug of hot coffee. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by another car," She said in a raspy voice. "How much did I drink?"

He raised his eyebrows and thought for a moment.

"Nearly 3 bottles of wine."

"No wonder I can't remember anything. Wait a second..." Sarah's face turned bright red as she remembered what she'd done. "I was drunk." She said in defense as Jareth's face broke into a smile at her realization.

"Ah, but they say that the truth makes itself known when one is drunk. So, my pet, I don't think that had anything to do with it."

She glared and turned her attention to the food he brought, stabbing at the eggs with her fork.

"Do try not to loathe me so openly one we reach Fae," He reminded her.

She nodded and finished eating. The food had renewed her strength and she was able to get up and dress without her head pounding again. Jareth cleaned the dishes and they were ready to go. This time Sarah readily accepted his help to mount Mannon.

After nearly 2 hours of trotting along, they entered the outskirts of the Fae village. All around them Fae's were watching them pass by, the children darting in and out of the ones who stopped to stare.

"They look... Normal." Sarah said.

"Did you expect unicorns and flying monkeys like in your human books?" Jareth laughed. Sarah thought of an insult and was about to voice it when he laughed harder.

"Stop reading my mind!" She hissed and dug her nails into his stomach.

They reached the doors to the castle and dismounted Mannon. Jareth handed the reigns to a stable hand and a beautiful young Fae girl stepped up to welcome them.

"Master Jareth," She curtsied.

"Hello Faryn. This is my fiance Sarah." The Fae's eyes widened and she quickly curtsied again and led them inside.

Sarah's anxiety rose again and she grasped Jareth's hand in hers. It was showtime. Her thoughts of "What if" returned and he gently squeezed.

"They'll love you," He whispered.

She took a deep breath as they entered the great hall. There was a magnificent marble staircase that rose three floors above them. The ceiling was high above with a huge crystal chandelier. There were 3 fireplaces throughout the room.

Along the far wall stood his family. Jareth kept a steady grip on her hand right until they reached them, and let go to hug the woman she guessed to be his mother. She was afraid to look anywhere but him and could feel the gaze of his siblings boring into her.

He looked back at her and held his hand out, which she eagerly took, stepping up beside him.

"This is Sarah," He announced. "My bride-to-be."

Jareth's father, Byron, took Sarah's free hand in his and raised it to his lips in greeting.

"I trust my kingdom is to your liking?" He asked her.

"I haven't seen much, but it's very beautiful," She stammered out.

"I'm sure one of my children will give you the grand tour," He chuckled.

Alesia playfully nudged him away and gave Sarah a big hug. It left her calm and collected. It was a motherly embrace and Sarah knew immediately Alesia would be more of a mother than she'd known before.

"Welcome dear," She said once she had pulled away. "I'm so thankful my Jareth has finally found someone and will not longer be alone in that kingdom. Maybe now he'll clean it up nicely."

"Really now, mother," Jareth joked.

The tallest of the women cleared her throat impatiently. Jareth's jaw clenched noticeably, but he kept a pleasant tone.

"Sarah, my sisters Giselle and Esmeralda, and Gideon's wife Lilith," He pointed each out as he said her name. Lilith and Esmeralda hugged her while Giselle simply nodded. "And my brothers Gideon, Antony and Sebastian."

The brothers mimicked Byron, kissing her hand. Jareth's descriptions of them were spot on because it felt as though Antony was undressing her with his eyes, while Sebastian was very shy. Pleasant talk was exchanged until Faryn announced that dinner would be served within the hour.

"I imagine you want to unpack and settle a bit before dinner?" Alesia asked. "Faryn, show them to their suite. I had your old one prepared for your use."

Jareth nodded and he and Sarah followed Faryn through the castle.

"How have you been Faryn?" He asked.

"I've been well master Jareth. Summer will bring happiness into mine and Xavier's lives."

"I'm sure you're both very excited. Have you told the king and queen yet?"

"I have. They're willing to keep me after I've given birth, which is more than can be said for other rulers in the underground. Forgive me, that was out of line." She said as they reached the suite. "I'll return to escort you to dinner."

Sarah collapses in a chair as Faryn shut the door behind her.

"What do you think, my pet?" Jareth sat across from her.

"Giselle doesn't like me."

"Giselle doesn't like anyone," He replied bitterly. "Antony seems to like you very much."

Sarah shuddered, remembering the way his eyes had trailed up and down her body.

"You're tame compared to him, practically a gentleman," She said.

"Now, pet, I would never objectify you that way."

Sarah nodded and stood to unpack. Their luggage had already been brought up.

A knock sounded on the door, Faryn was announcing dinner. They walked side by side in silence until just outside the dining room.

"Do you remember your promise?" He whispered, brushing some hair from her eyes.

She nodded and he kissed her softly on the lips before opening the door to enter the dining room.

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