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I was never a people person, but I had known Murphy my entire life. So, when he asked me out on a date, of course i said yes. Murphy came pick me up and he said,

"Okay, close your eyes." I smiled and said,

"Oh, come on, Murphy. Why?" 

"You care about me?" I nodded and he leaned close to my face, saying,

"Then, close your eyes." I sighed and closed my eyes, despite my complaints. Murphy led me out of my house and when he told me to open my eyes, I saw a beautiful sight. We were at the edge of the woods and on a cliff that looked out to the city, a picnic blanket was laid out in front of us. I looked at Murphy and said,

"This is beautiful." He looked at me and said, 

"Not as beautiful as you." 

"Murphy...I-I don't know what to say." He smiled and sat me down, sitting next to me and he said,

"You don't have to say anything." He pressed his lips to mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back, saying against his lips, 

"Okay." He pushed my back on to the blanket and said,

"Wanna head back to your place?" I nodded and he pulled away, picking me up bridal style. I looked at him and as we drove back to my house, I said,

"Murphy?" He hummed and I said,

"Do you love me?" He smiled and said,

"Yes, I do." I smiled at him and said,

"I love you too."

One year later

Murphy and I had been dating for a year and a half, he did act strange sometimes, but I'd often brush it off. Today, Murphy was acting weirder than normal. He wouldn't let me outside, for any reason.  Then, the police came and I realized that he was a criminal. When the police told me what he did, I could hear him from outside, saying,

"(Y/N)?!? (Y/N)! Please come outside! Please!" I walked outside and to the police car. Murphy looked at me and said,

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." A tear rolled down my cheek and he said,

"Don't cry, Baby...Baby, please don't cry...Baby, don-don't cry." I sighed and said,

"How long?" He lowered his head and didn't answer. I hit my hand against the side of the car and I said,

"Dammit, Murphy! How long?!?" 

"Since before we moved in together." I touched his face and he said,

"Will you come visit me?" I looked into his blue eyes and I said,

"No, I can't." He sniffles and I caressed his cheek, saying,

"I can't." He kissed my palm and I kissed him one last time before they drove off with him. I ran a hand through my hair and the officers said,

"Miss, your baby woke up." Murphy and I had a little boy named Timothy, I didn't know what to tell him when he said that he wanted to go see daddy. I didn't know how to tell him that his father got arrested. Timothy died from a gunshot wound, three months after. There was a shooting down our street, which was unheard of, and Timothy was outside. Murphy was allowed to go to the funeral, but I refused to speak to him. I still loved him, but I didn't know what to say to him. I had a good life Pre-Z, before Murphy got arrested. Hell, everybody had a good life Pre-Z. 

A Love That Happened Pre-Z (Murphy X Reader) (Z-Nation Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now