Everyone left except Kira, we were still in the room upstairs "hey I'm I the only one who really paid attention to the numbers cause Stiles is more then Scott and he's a true alpha" I said because its be bothering me inside "how much more" Kira asked " Scott is 25 and Stiles is 60" I replied "who know we'll bring it up at the pack meeting now we have to try to fine the other passwords" Kira said "sure but were do we start' I asked. Finding these passwords was going to be hard. I just can't true this whole banshee thing on and comes and goes. "I have no idea" she said nervously smiling. Great I thought then sat down in one of the chairs as Kira started pacing around the room "how did u find the first name" Kira asked still pacing "Stiles turned on the record player then I heard voices saying Allison over and over again" I said. God now I hear voices in my head. The door bell rang so I rushed down stairs and opened the door to see Hailey "hey Liam Scott and Stiles called and told us what's going on so I thought i'd come here and try to help" she offered "come in" I said as we walked upstairs "do you know how your banshee powers work" Hailey commented "not at all to be honest this is all freaking me out" I snarled starting to get frustrated "how about we try the way u found the first name" Kira insisted as she walked over to the record player "its worth a try " I noted

Stiles POV
Scott, Liam and i went to the sheriff's station to tell mg dad what's going on cause a lot of people are gonna start going missing and I don't want him to start getting overwhelmed. When we walked in it looked really busy "what's going on" I asked Parrish one of the deputies "a whole family was murdered last night except the youngest son and now he's missing" he explained then got right back to work. Damn it already started. We walked into my dads office "Dad" I yelled "stiles not now I'm busy" he said "I know but you need to see this" I demanded giving him a piece of paper "what is this " he asked " we call it a deadpool" Scott said "we think the names on it are all of  the supernatural " I said "basically a hit list" Liam corrected. My dad looked at us like we were crazy "are the numbers on the side the worth of each person" he asked pointing at the numbers "yes' Scott said "OK but where is the money coming from" he asked "we don't know yet" I noted. There another thing that we need to find out "was the family that was killed on the list" I asked, he checked the list the replied "yes the Walcott's and only Sean survived but we can't find him" he sighed " how were they killed" Scott asked " the person used a tomahawk and stabbed them" my dad said "is this list open to the public" he asked "we don't think so" Liam said "who found it " he asked "Lydia" I said "a banshee thing" my dad commented and we all nodded. "So how can we help" I asked my dad "you guys cane go home I don't want you in this" he hissed at us as he pushed us out his office. We left the station "we aren't gonna stay out of this are we" Liam guessed "nope we're not let's go find Sean

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