“S-s-st-stop, ple-pl-please, I beg of y-y-you.” I winced in pain as he kept slamming into me. It didn’t work my eyes were blurry as tears filled my vision. I couldn’t take it any longer it hurt so badly but finally after about five minutes of thrusting he stopped pulling it out, it was such a relief but still fucking hurt.

I buried my head into the floor baling my eyes out; I couldn’t move I was stuck there naked. I sore Zayn’s feet walk away pulling some of his clothes on then hearing the door slam. I was left there broken, alone and raped.



Harry’s P.O.V

“What’s happening here?” I jumped back as Louis scared the hell out of me.

“Um…er” I mumbled, his eyes fell to Niall who was out cold in my arms. “Had a little too much to drink.” I chuckled; Louis wasn’t that Impressed with what I had to say; standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Really now” I just smiled a little trying to see the funny side of this but he wasn’t having it. “Jesus Harry, what were you even doing? Going out on a night like tonight? We have a concert tomorrow plus many interviews and a meet and greet” Louis sighed raising his voice fiercely.

I blocked out the sound of having to listen to Louis lecture, but suddenly something inside of me clicked. Liam. “Here hold this” I said pushing Niall into Louis arms.

“Harry? What the hell”

I pulled the door handle; opening to a lot of heat blasting in my face. “Liam?” I shouted speeding through the bus. “Liam?” I repeated myself, I walked into the lounge area of the bus of were Liam was sleeping last time I left him. The blanket was left loosely hanging on the couch half hanging on the floor, followed with some of his clothes that where scatted on the floor.

“Harry! What are you doing?” Louis muttered angrily, “He’s fucking heavy Haz” Niall’s head hit the table as Louis placed him sitting at the table.

“Liam’s not hear” I wailed

“What do you mean Liam’s not hear” he rolled his eyes crossing his arms over his chest.

“He was there” I pointed to the rug “and now his not. See”

Louis chuckled walking over and down the hall of the bus where the bunks were, I watched nervously as Louis pulled his head under the curtain with only his ass sticking out but then I suddenly realized that it was my bunk that he was looking in not Liam’s.

It was a couple seconds later when Louis came out again “His sleeping” he muttered, I relaxed a little “Have a look for you self-it’s your bunk” I shuffled forward standing next to Louis shifting the curtain to see Liam’s sleeping body lie. His back was facing us with the blanket pulled up to his shoulder and his head was tucked into his arm. I wanted to so badly kiss his forehead and say good night but that wasn’t possible.

I ran my hand over his shoulder staring at his figure for a couple more seconds, but soon leaving. I was worrying for no reason he was completely safe and didn’t need me at all. But that’s when it hit me. Where was Zayn? He wasn’t here and I know that for shore.

Never Be The Same » Lirry StayneWhere stories live. Discover now