Bonus Chapter 2- Everything Has Changed

Start from the beginning

I'm not going to be Mason anymore. I'm gonna be the Mason. I shook my head at the thought with a different mind set as I walked out of the cafeteria doors with a whole new plan for the year in tact. 

Everything's going to change.

Hunter's POV

Kloe slowly sat down as she realized that her sister was Mason's mate. I could feel all kinds of emotion coming off of her just by the connection that we shared. I drifted my eyes to Mason who was stabbing the pasta that he had gotten and Jason who was never quiet sat quietly next to his angry brother. In fact everyone was silent, no one knew what to say without upsetting Mason so the best way to handle it was to say nothing at all. 

Lost in my own thoughts was when I quickly realized that I should probably talk to Kloe and when she got up I did as well. She threw her trash out after saying her goodbyes to everyone and I followed her out not before realizing the strange smirk on Mason's face. I frowned but followed Kloe out anyway to her locker. 

I watched Kloe's every move and as she reached for her books i grabbed her hand and brought it to the right side of my face. She gave me a small smile before coming closer into me. I could see that he her mind was somewhere else. Girls think too much, I thought.

She bit her lip unconsciously and I knew she wanted to kiss me so with no warning, I kissed her and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I around her waist. She pulled away happily. 

"Everything's gonna be okay", I assured. I knew that that was what she needed to hear. 

The bell rand and she jumped slightly at the surprise and I only smiled. She looked frustrated and I kissed her on the cheek knowing what she was irritated about. She sighed and grabbed the rest of her books and then shut her locker. She reached for my hand as we made our way to history.

"So how's the revenge thing going?" I asked curiously. She quickly let go of my hand, and nudged me  hard in the stomach with her sharp pointy elbow. 

"Ow!" I grunted as I my hand went to where it hurt. I growled lowly. "What was that for?"

She giggled. "Your too loud," she said simply walking a bit faster to 201. I had a hard time catching up but when I did I only glared at her but smiled softly when she giggled while opening the door to the room. We walked in and I noticed that the teacher was looking at her shocked. Which may I add was happening a lot today.

"Ah," he said, standing up from his swivel chair. "Its great to see you Klover". I watched as Kloe almost cringed at sound of her full name. She really hated her full name. 

"Its Kloe now," she mentioned. His bright smile seemed to dwindle down as he started to sit back down.

But Kloe quickly put her hand on his shoulder, and smiled warmly, like she had realized something.

"It's great to see you too, Mr. Smith". He smiled at her too and then returned his attention back on the newspaper as she walked down the column to my favorite spot in class, the back. 

"What was that about?" I asked her as she led me to the back.

"Tell you later," she said without hesitation. She took a seat behind Jule and I sat behind her and started to talk to Cameron about pack stuff during that time I felt Kloe's eyes on me for a quick second but I didn't pay mind to it that much. Cameron pulled out his phone getting a message so our conversation was over but then I caught sight of Brad. Who was talking to I think his name was Devin and decided to listen in.

"So what are you gonna do about him?" Devin asked. I frowned.

"I won't have to do anything, they're going to break up soon," Brad said with confidence.

Rejected And Now Revenge For Mr. Alpha(BOOK 2 OF TRILOGY)Where stories live. Discover now