Chapter 22

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A\N: hey guys!! I havn't updated in almost a week and I'm sorry but I started school this week and it's just sooooo busy I had NO time to write, but I stayed up just for you a wrote this! it's pretty long and I hope you like it, from now on I will update my story once a week cause I'm REALLY busy.. you didn't comment on the last chapter and I hope it doesn't mean it was THAT bad.. anyway, I'm done talking, enjoy the chapter and don't forget to comment, vote, share and follow, they all make me smile! alsoooo follow me on twitter! @Crowen_Lovatic (Grey's_Lovatic)! xx

After weeks of rehearsals, Demi's tour was about to start.

Her first show was in LA and she couldn't be more excited. She was so nervous, she didn't know if people will come, if they will like it, if they will like her voice, she was just thinking about the random and weird things that could go wrong.

She was backstage already dressed, about to get her makeup and hair done.

She was wearing a white simple dress and a jeans jacket on top of it, her shoes were converse like high top wedges, light blue ones. She also had a blue bracelet and 2 rings, one of which was the one Niall gave her for their anniversary. (pic on the side)

It was almost time for Demi to go on stage and she was wandering frantically around the whole backstage area, looking for Niall.

He was supposed to be there, she knew he was. She had to see him before going on stage, she wanted to show him exactly where to stand so she can see him.

She was fast walking, looking all around her, practically searching for him inside the trashcans even.

She then bumped into someone. “Sorry, I wasn't looking.” she said quickly.

She looked up, realizing it was Niall. He grinned at her.

"There you are! I've been looking for you!” she screamed.

"Relax Dems... I'm here.” he said, still smiling widely.

"Why are you smiling like that?” she asked almost irritated.

"Cause you bumped into me like the first time we met.. I dunno it was just kinda cool in a way..” he said looking down slightly.

"Aww Niall..” she said, smiling too.

"Demi, you're up in 5.” the stage manager said, interrupting them.

"Come on, I need to show you where to stand.” she said pulling Niall by the hand.

She showed him exactly where to stay, from there they could both see each other and others couldn't really see Niall.

Just before going on stage Demi kissed Niall one last time, he wrapped his arms around her and whispered to her “I'm so proud of you, you're going to be great.”.

She went on stage and was blown away by the amount of people. They were all screaming like crazy, some had signs and t-shirts with her face or name on them.

"Hey guys!” she screamed into the mic, over everyone's screams.

"I am so happy you all came, it means the world to me and I just love you all. I really hope you enjoy this!” she said.

The crowd went wild. They were screaming, some even crying, smiling like crazy and jumping.

She then started with her first song which happen to be 'Heart Attack'.

She was amazed to discover everyone knew the words, they were singing along and dancing.

After singing all the songs from her album she just stood there for a second, taking everythingin.

Just a girl and a boy (Diall)Where stories live. Discover now