Chapter 9

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A\N: Demi's song is to your right and Niall's song is the external link (I know I used this song already and the reason I chose it and not a one direction song is simply because I don't really know any of their songs and cause I just LOVE the song I chose.) Demi's outfit is also to your right, hope you like this chapter.

Niall knew pretty much where he wanted to take Demi so he told her to take her swimsuit with her and also something warm.

There was a lake Niall saw the other day and wanted to explore. From afar it looked almost magical as if it came out of a movie. It was the perfect mixture of green and blue. The lake was bright blue and was surrounded by green big trees and luscious green grass.

They decided to leave at around 2pm which was perfect for his plan, a lunch picnic by the lake.

They met by the car at 2pm sharp and Demi noticed Niall had his guitar with him.

When they arrived at the lake Niall spread a blanket on the ground and put the picnic basket on it.

They ate lunch and chatted, it wasn't different from any other time they hung out together.

After eating they raced to the lake, and played in the water for an hour or so. When they were in the water they were both laughing so hard and having the best time. When the laughter stopped for a bit Niall took the chance and got closer to Demi and told her “I think you're beautiful.” she just looked at him. She couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face.

Later they were back on the blanket, when Niall pulled out his guitar.

He played a few random cords. “Sing to me?” she asked.

"Any requests?” he asked smiling at her.

"No...” she said.

He thought for a minute. He wanted to choose a song that will express his feeling to her perfectly.

"That's gonna sound really unoriginal” he stated. “I'm gonna sing to you the same song I sang in Music class.”.

"Why that song” she asked curious.

"Because it's perfect to express the way I feel about you.” he said.

She again just looked at him, amazed.

He started singing the song to her and she stared at him smiling shyly.

"You are amazing...” she said.

He just blushed and smiled, looking down.

"Well.. It's my turn to sing to you now..” she said smiling.

"Sounds like you already know what's the song..” he said jokingly.

"Actually yes. This song is a song I wrote actually. Kinda about you...” she said.

He looked at her almost shocked.

"Can I have the guitar please?” she asked smiling.

He quickly handed her the guitar and went back to staring at her.

She started plating the song she wrote “Heart attack”.

When she was done he just looked at her completely in awe.

"You liked it?” she asked hesitantly. “I never showed anyone my music before..”.

He didn't answer her. Instead he went to her and kissed her, hard.

She was surprised at first but quickly started kissing him back.

They pulled away, both smiling. “I'll take it as a yes..” she said jokingly.

"Oh, yes! I loved it! It's amazing, you're amazing.” he said.

"I didn't know you write..” he said.

"Yeah.. sometimes..” she said.

They spent another hour by the lake just talking and singing.

After that they packed their things and were headed to a nice restaurant that Niall chose to get dinner.

It was pretty cold so Demi wore the sweater she brought with her and Niall couldn't help but think how amazing she looked in it. It was loose and made her look really sexy.

They got to the restaurant which was a lovely little place in Paris.

The food was amazing and they both had a great time. It was all pretty romantic, everythng was lit by candles and colored in red and white.

After dinner they decided to have a little walk around the city which was beautifully lit at night.

Demi was wearing shorts so she was a little cold. Niall of course took the chance and hugged her close as they walked.

They weren't talking, just walking. Taking all the beautiful sights in.

it was getting late so they were heading home. They were both smiling.

When they got in, the house was dark. They decided to change into their PJ's and watch a movie.

They cuddled on the couch with Demi's hand sprawled around Niall's midsection and her head resting on his chest. He had both him arms wrapped around her waist and his head resting on top of hers.

When the movie ended Niall notice that Demi has fallen asleep. She looked so adorable and peaceful so he decided not to wake her. He gently untangled himself from her and then picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room.

He kissed her tenderly and whispered to her, “goodnight beautiful.”.


A\N 2: next chapter I need another sweet song and I'm out of ideas... if you have a song suggestion for me (It's a song Niall sings to Demi for her bday) it can be one direction or not.. you can comment here, send me a masage or if you're interestied follow me on twitter @Crowen_Lovatic. hope you liked the chapter! comment and vote please.. :)

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