Chapter 5

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A\N: this chapter is pretty short and took pretty long to come and I apologize.. I hope you enjoy it antway and I will update again within the next two days or so. I put MITUSA just ao U guys can enjoy it, it has nothing to do with the plot.

It's been 6 month since Demi's parents announced their divorce, they indeed got a divorce. It was finalized within a month and by now everyone were back to their normal. Demi's parents decided that her dad will live as close as possible so the girls wont have to say goodbye or have to plan too much before visiting him. They also decided that the girls will be at their mom's who stayed at the original house of the family for the majority of the week and at their dad's for the weekends.

In the past 6 month Demi and Niall have gotten very close and surprisingly so did their mothers.

Maura and Dianna have become really good friends, they would go out for coffee at least once a week.

Demi and Niall were watching a movie in Demi's house, when both their mothers walked in.

"Hey guys!” Dianna said.

"Hey mom” Demi answered without looking away from the movie.

"Can you guys stop the movie for a second we want to tell you something”. Maura said.

"OK” Demi said, pressing pause.

"Dems, can you go get Mads?” her mom asked and Demi got up and went to Maddie's room to get her.

All 3 kids were sitting on the couch waiting for their moms to speak.

"OK, so we were thinking.. would you guys like for us five to go somewhere together..? as a vacation?” asked Dianna.

"That could be so cool!” Demi said excitedly.

"definitely!” added Maddie.

"That sounds great but.. I mean what about dad?” Niall said.

"Well first of all it's great you guys all want that. The thing is that we kind of.. already chose a place and date and at this date you dad is out of the country.” Maura said.

"Oh.” said Niall. “But wouldn't he want to come on vacation with us?”

"He has a lot of stress at work right now and he has no time for that..” his mom said.

"Got it” he said looking down.

Demi grabbed his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder to comfort him, knowing he hated it when his dad missed things because of his job.

Niall's dad was a very busy man, he loved both Maura and Niall but also he loved his job, he had a high position in a very successful company and would often go out of the country for business.

"So.. when and where are we going?” Niall asked.

"We're going in about two weeks.” Dianna said.

"But where are we going??” Maddie asked impatiently.

"Relax Mads.. we're going to France! For two whole weeks!” Dianna replied.

"OMG!! that's sooo cool!!” Maddie yelled excitedly.

"It's going to be so great!” Demi said.

"Yeah..! totally!” Niall added trying to sound cheerful.

"It's going to be fun..!” Demi said to Niall trying to make him excited.

"I know it is... just not at this very moment.. But it's ok, I know that when we get there it will be awesome.” he said.

Two weeks later Demi was in her room just packing some last minute things then heading to the living room to wait for her mother and sister.

They were all ready to go when they heard the cab outside, they got in the cab and drove to the airport where they were meeting with Maura and Niall.

On the plane, Niall and Demi were sitting next to each other listening to music. Niall was indeed more excited. They all were.

Just a girl and a boy (Diall)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora