05| Learn the Risks

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"No, I have to play." Scott argued immediately to my surprise. "I'll lose too many things if I don't."

"And not losing those things won't matter if the Argents kill you." I reminded him, trying to make him see that there's a bigger picture than just high school drama. "If you shift on that field with an Argent present it'll be the end of you. Of all of us."

Scott nodded and for a moment I thought I succeeded in getting through that thick skull of his, but there was still that stubbornness in his eyes that crushed any hope I had in him. "I know that. But I have to play tonight."

"Can't you see the risks?" I snapped, as my frustration started to become overwhelming. It was so much more than him hurtsing a teengaer out in that lacross field. "You can't play until you learn control."

"Then teach me how to control it." He practically pleaded.

"Control isn't something that you learn in a couple of minutes."

"How do you control it?" Scott asked, and I thought about everything that Derek and Laura had taught me when I first began to shift and develop my abilities. Before the fire everyone had thought that I was born human as I hadn't begun to shift at the expected age. It wasn't until after the fire that I began to shift, and from that anger and trauma I was able to find my anchor.

"I found my anger." I told him as I looked away from him. "Anger is what makes us stronger and what brings us back."

"Anger towards what?"

"The murder of my family." I found myself saying without really thinking. This was something that I never thought I would be telling Scott, but I also had to acknowledge the fact that he needed to trust me to listen.

"I thought that was an accident?" Scott questioned, I knew that since what happened the rumors that have been spread are both ridiculous and false. None of the rumors that had been spread were true, but who would suspect that such a seemingly perfect family like the Argents to be murderers.

"It was anything but an accident." I replied bitterly, Derek had always warned me about letting my emotions get the best of me, yet sometimes I could feel myself getting consumed by hatred.

A hatred that could be terrifying. There was a fine line between anger and letting that anger consume. Letting that anger consume you could turn you into a real monster.

It was terribly obvious that unless I chained Scott up there was no stopping him, even if that was an option I had thoroughly considered, I came to the conclusion that Scott McCall was not my responsibility

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It was terribly obvious that unless I chained Scott up there was no stopping him, even if that was an option I had thoroughly considered, I came to the conclusion that Scott McCall was not my responsibility. Though my consciousness wouldn't allow me to at least attempt a last try at reasoning with him. The game was going to start in an hour, and as I walked into the boys locker room a series of whistles were directed at me from immature players. Ignoring them I walked towards Scott and Stiles who were getting ready. When Scott's eyes met my own a sigh escaped his lips.

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