“Tony no!” I shout grabbing my phone and running up to him.

I climb onto him and try to grab his phone out of his hand.

I grab it from him when I feel his growing erection on my leg.

“Someone’s excited.” I say smirking.

I open my camera on my phone quickly and take a picture of his dick through his boxers. I open up his camera climb off his lap and take off running to my room as I take pictures of myself on his phone.

“Liz god damnit!” He yells running after me.

I push open my bedroom door and fly onto my bed.

Tony comes running in and jumps on the bed next to me.

I keep taking pictures on his phone and he kisses my cheek just as I take another one.

A huge smile goes across my face and I turn and press my lips to his and take another picture.

“Go get your stuff. You’re staying in here with me while we’re here.” I say smiling.

He nods and gets off the bed. I open up my phones camera and tell him to turn around. He turns around and I take a picture of him. He flips me off and walks out of the bedroom.  I smirk and hop off the bed. I go to the mirror in my room and take a picture of myself on his phone of me in my underwear.

I lay back on my bed and delete the stupid pictures that I took but I keep the cute ones of Tony and I and the picture of me on the couch and the picture I just took. I send the pictures of Tony and me to myself and save them. He comes back in and throws his stuff next to mine. I hand him his phone and we head back into the living room still in our underwear. He sits on the couch and I cuddle up next to him. I don’t know if we’re dating but I don’t even bother to question it. Everything is just to perfect right now.

I crawl over so I’m lying between his legs and so my stomach is on his.

I trace his tattoos with my finger out of boredom and he braids a little piece of my hair.

I look up to him and smile and he smiles back at me.

He interlocks our fingers and I stare at the tattoos on them.

He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it gently. I smile a stupid smile at him and he blushes. I think he’s thinking the same thing I am, If we’re together or not.

“I’m so fucking tired!” Mike yells walking into the room.

That totally just killed the moment. I look at Tony and he shakes his head.

“Then go to sleep.” I say.

He sighs and shakes his arms back and forth.

“Night Mikey.” I say.

“Night.” He says turning back around and walking back into his room.

“You guys are still in your underwear?” Jaime asks walking into the living room.

We both nod and he shakes his head.

“Vic and I are going down to the lobby.” Jaime says.

“For?” I ask.

“To see the bands who are going to tour with us the rest of this tour.” He says.

“What? Who?” I ask.

“You’ll only find out if you come down with us.” He says.

I pull myself off of Tony and run into my bedroom.

Tony follows in behind me.

I strip of my panties and bra and put on a new pair. As I took off my clothes Tony covered his eyes.

“Why’d you cover your eyes?” I ask grabbing one of his sweatshirts.

“Because…I don’t know.” He says pulling on pajama pants and a key street shirt.

I pull on yoga pants and interlock my fingers with Tony’s.

“You don’t have to cover your eyes if I get naked around you.” I say kissing his cheek.

He blushes and looks down.

I smile and push my head to his arm.

We go to the elevator and get in. Jaime presses the lobby button and the elevator makes its way down.

“Are they staying in this hotel too?” I ask.

“Same floor even.” Jaime says nodding his head.

I look to Tony confused and then to Vic.

“Why aren’t you guys telling me?” I ask.

“Just because. We want it to be a surprise.” Vic says.

I became more anxious and it seemed like the elevator was going 100 times slower. The elevator dings and I practically sprint out of it when the door opens.

We walk to the main lobby and there stands two of my favorite bands and four of my best friends.

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