Now, anyone in their right mind would have known the "stranger danger" and took off. But for some reason, Sapph found this man to be quite a nice guy. His intentions seemed pure to her. She nodded and accepted his invitation.

The man quickly led her to the picnic area. No one was sitting at any of those, probably because it was in a more secluded area. But there were still people around not too far away. He led her to one of the farther tables and sat down.

Sapph sat across from him, but tensed a bit when he got back up to join her on the other side. She spun around, facing the people and looking around. Oh, how she hoped Bill would hurry up.

"You're a real cute girl, you know that?"

"I get that a lot."

He laughed, "Is that so? Well I wouldn't be surprised. You've got the body of an angel."

"Eh.. I would say more like a succubus." She shrugged.

"I like the way you think, doll~"

Sapph shivered when she felt his hand on her thigh, and felt his fingers begin to toy with the ends of her dress. "I-I really should be getting back to my boyfriend. He's probably wondering where I am..."

"He'll find you eventually. This place isn't all that big." He cooed, suddenly shoving his hand up her dress, causing the poor girl to squeak.

As much as she wanted to stop him, she couldn't. He was holding her arms behind her back with his other hand, and his grip was deadly.

And not to mention she's been in heat all week.

This was something she neglected to tell Bill. But she figured he probably knew by now anyways. When a succubus was in heat, their sex drive was completely out the roof, even more than usual. They craved any sexual contact, and sometimes would even lose control trying to get it. A lot of times, even if the sexual acts were unwanted by the succubus herself, they simply could not bring themselves to stop it. It was almost like a trance.

Unfortunately, this was one of those times.

Sapph was practically on the verge of tears as she tried with all her might to resist the temptation. The man's fingers pulled the lining of her panties teasingly before slipping his hand inside. He immediately went to rub circles around her clit, laughing dryly at her wetness.

She clamped her legs closed, not wanting anyone to see the embarrassing scene. She bit her lip, but ultimately failed at being able to hide her moans.

He had begun to pump a finger into her, slowly teasing, then adding another.

The only thing the succubus could mutter out was a small, "P-Please stop..."


"Alright. Got a.. Funnel cake for me. Looks good.. Fatty as hell though. Also a human soda for me. And a water for Sapphie." Bill hummed as he carried all of the food and drinks with him and cut through the crowds. He was tall, and it was fairly easy to be able to see over some of the people. He looked to the picnic area, but couldn't see his beloved princess anywhere!

"Where did she go..? She told me she would find a table!" He frowned. "Maybe she's in the bathroom.. Nah. Wait." He had to pause for a moment once he got out of the crowd.

He focused for a moment. She couldn't have been too far away. He technically existed within her mind still, and if she were to go too far, he would just be pulled back into her range again. So she had to be around here somewhere.

He still had his powers right? At least, most of them. He could use those. He could find where she was. Maybe he was being a bit paranoid about this, but he was worried about her.

"Alrighty, Sapph. Where are you..?" He hummed as he thought. He could feel her wavelength. Ah, she was at the other picnic area. So that's exactly where he headed off to. Silly Bill. Why was he so worried?

He casually set off in that direction, humming a small tune to himself as he did. Although he stopped right outside the area. He listened.

The small moans of Sapph echoed from the back of the area. His eyebrows furrowed. He carefully peeked inside, and much to his displeasure, saw her and the man. Although he could tell that she wasn't enjoying whatever he was doing. At least mentally. She looked scared and embarrassed, tears rolling down her cheeks. He could see how tightly the man held her arms back, and how he would purr and coo into her ear sweet nothings.

He could practically feel how he was molesting her.

And boy oh boy, was he pissed.

It wasn't until he had dropped all of the food and drinks that the other two noticed his presence.

"B-Bill..." Sapph sobbed, squirming in this man's grasp weakly.

"This ya boyfriend? He wanna share ya for a bit? No one's gotta know--"

"You have some fucking nerve, don't you?" Bill's voice boomed over his. His face turned red, but it was in anger this time. That blue magic he contained began to spark off of his finger tips as he clenched them into fists. His visible eye turned black, the pupil white. The blue flames emanating off his hands turned more like regular fire flames.

Sure, Sapph had seen him angry before. But never like this. And that wasn't just because his facial features were more defined now. He was furious.

"Hey buddy.. C-Cool it down there..! I'll back off of her..!" The man stuttered anxiously, pulling his hand out of her panties and wiping her fluids off onto his jacket quickly.

"Cool it down? Cool it down? You know perfectly well I can't just cool it down after you fucking sexually abused my girlfriend! She obviously didn't fucking want you to touch her, but you did it anyways! You humans are just fucking disgraceful meatsacks!"

The man backed up, accidentally tripping over his own feet as he gulped.

Bill looked like the absolute definition of fury.

Sapph shakily got up, adjusting her underwear back in place and pulling her dress back down before running to the blonde. "Bill..."

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you? What else did he do?" He asked, taking her hand gently in his own.

"N-Nothing! Just.. That... But let's go; he isn't worth it..."

"Isn't worth it? What the hell do you mean? He just sat here and violated you after you told him to stop! A pig like him shouldn't just get off the hook that easily!"

He had a fair point.

"Well.. Just don't kill him, alright..? Let him learn from his mistakes. I don't wanna kill anyone again for a while."

"Fine. But he's definitely gonna regret ever laying a finger on you."

Bill definitely fulfilled his promise. He didn't kill the man, but he injured him to the point where he probably wished he would have, just to get away from the misery. The man was horribly disfigured now. If it wasn't already hard to figure out who he was before, it is now.

"There.. I think that should do it. Might not wanna look at that. It's not a pretty sight." Bill's redness in his face faded away, and his eye had returned to its regular color. The flames in his hands disappeared.

"Let's get you home."

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back Againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें