The Hellhound And The Beast

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"How do I know you are telling the truth?" He asked and after a moments hesitation I walked over to a seat and turned it around so I rested my arms on the top of the back rest. Moving my hair from my neck I took a breath.

"Check my memories, they don't lie." He didn't waste a minute. His claws sank into my skin and I saw my memories replay like a movie. Me after my operation, meeting Liam then Scott and stiles. All of it.

He worked his way through and I pushed him to the more important details about Theo, the dread doctors, the beast and the chimeras. Some how after he saw all those he went to theo killing me, to my out of body experience and then to my family, Cammi, my dad, and my mothers death.

'Forgive my child, it's the only way to live your life in happiness. To forgive those who hurt you out of love.' I forced him out of my head and I launched forward against the seat, being in control of my own head again.

"Why did you do that?" I growled and turned to him as he regained balanced. He stared at me in awe and sadness. "You had no right to pry there that's personal."

"You mean you didn't want to relive all the pain. You boyfriend breaking up with you, your mother dying, Scott kicking you out, dying yourself and coming back, having trust issues."

I stared at him in rage feeling myself slowly shift but thought of Liam and his warm kisses. Slowly I calmed down. "You know, I dated your great great grandmother once. She gave birth to a baby girl and disappeared of the face of the earth," I stared at him in surprise. "You know a Jaguar can't kill its own family?"

"I do which is why even though right now I want to rip you apart I can't." I answered and he smiled. "That's out of the fact as to why I'm here-."

"Is it?" He asked and I stared at his bloodied fingers. "Who else have you tried to kill but couldn't? A enemy maybe?" I shook my head.

"No, we are here for Scott not me. The chimeras are gonna come for you," I said snapping his attention into action. "Let them, pretend to be blind and to hate Scott, some how trick theo into breaking up his pack or killing them." I stated and we went over the plan until I was satisfied a left, heading home.


When I got home I had another shower and changed my clothes. 'Forgive my child,' that echoed in my head until I finally reached for my jacket ready to find Scott when the alarm went off. Shrugging on my jacket I turned it off just when I smelt Scott's scent and the senior opened the door.

We stared at each other until he cleared his throat. "May I?" Nodding my head he walked in and looked around as I walked to the book case and pulled out a random book. "I like what you've done with the place."

"What are you doing here Scott?" I asked and put the book back before turning to him as he stared back with sadness.

"I came to apologise. Theo got to me, to all of us and even you came out about what you are I didn't treat you right." He said and I nodded.

"No you didn't. I risked my life for you multiple times in Mexico and in these last couple of weeks. I saved your best friend from dying and Lydia who would've died if I didn't heal her. I had my own spear impaled through my stomach because I couldn't kill a massive jerk who screwed us all over. I trusted you Scott, but where was your trust when I needed it?" Tears were pouring down my face as I collapsed into a ball on the ground.

Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam Dunbar) Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon