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Everything happened so fast as Zach punch Ant in his face and he put her in a head lock to calm her down.

"Let me go!" Zach yelled as she clawed up his tattoo arms.

"Y'all stop. Y'all cant be doing this shit in front of the kids." Maine said.

"Tell him to let me go!" Zach yelled out.

"Is you calm first?" Ant asked her.

"Nope, because as soon as you let me go I'm going to punch you in your damn face." Zach said as she struggled to get free.

Zy'Anna cried as Aj hugged her looking at their parents.

"Y'all stop for real. Look at y'all kids man. Think about them." Maine said as Maurice nodded his head still eating the popcorn.

"Yeah what he said." He really don't want to get into that. He learned his lesson in the past.

Zach looked at her kids as tears filled her eyes.

"Just tell him don't take my kids." Zach said as tears fall out her eyes.

"Ant don't take the girl kids." Maine shrugged.

Ant glared at him.

"Tell her dumbass she have a stalker and I be damn if something happen to my kids." Ant said.

"Dumbass you have a stalker and he don't want nothing to happen to his kids." Maine said as Maurice shook his head.

"Nigga who side you on?" Maurice asked Maine.

"None, I'm on the kids side." Maine said. As Ant let Zach go and pushed her.

Zach raised her hand to hit him, but Ant move out the way.

"Fine, keep em. Something happen to them, it's your damn fault." Ant said as he walked out the house slamming the door.

Zach went to sit down as her kids rushed to her and hugged her.

"You good?" Maurice asked her as he still at the popcorn.

Zach glared at him.

"You could of help me. I'm telling dad." Zach said.

"That's your marriage not mine." Maurice shrugged.

Maine just looked at her biting back a laugh.

"Yo how do your neck feel though? He had a death grip on it." Maine burst out laughing. He couldn't help his self.

Maurice and Zach just stared at him, as Maine was killing his self laughing tears rolling down his face.

"I want to be alone with my kids please." Zach said as her kids hugged her tight.

"Okay, call me if you need me." Maurice said.

"Bye Zach make sure you rub your neck with ice&hot." Maine laughed all the way out the house.

"You wrong as hell. You know that right?" Maurice shook his head as he walked to his car.

"Oh well it been funny. Shit, what you about to do?" Maine asked Maurice.

"Shit, go home and see what my kids up too." Maurice shrugged.

"Oh I'll go see mine tomorrow when Tae bring them to me." Maine said.

"True true. We will get up later." Maurice said and got in his car.

Maine got in his truck too. Neither paid attention to the car that was parked on the side walk of Zach and Ant's house.

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