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Everyone waited patiently for Shawn to come and give them a update on the labor.

"Mommy I'm sleepy." C3 said to Kira. Kira picked him up and hold him close to her chest.

"I have work in the morning. I'll see the baby when they bring him home, or come back in the morning." Maurice said and stood up.

"You going to take the kids with you?" Kira asked him.

"Yeah I can take them, if you wanted to stay." Maurice looked at her.

"Yeah I'm staying. I'll be home soon, if she haven't had them in the next hour or so I'll come home." Kira said and stood up to help him with the kids.

"Man I'm going home too, she not about them have them twins right now. Hell it only been three hours." Ant said.

"We all should go home, and come back when she have them. We will be waiting all damn night." Maine said and yawned.

"He's right." De'Maine said. He picked up sleeping De'Mya in his arms and walked out. Bree walked out with him.

"You have her asthma pump with you?" Bree asked him.

"Yeah I have it. I'll bring her home tomorrow, or tomorrow night." De'Maine said without looking at her.

"Okay." Bree said and walked away.

De'Maine was staying in his mother house, while Bree was staying in the house De'Maine brought for her.

"Wait, Bree?" De'Maine called her back to the car. Bree walked to the car and stood in front of him.

"When you going back home?" He asked her.

"Soon, I'm going to go check on Rea, and see how far she is, then I'm leaving to go home." Bree said.

De'Maine nodded his head.

"You work tomorrow?" He asked her.

"Yep, even though I'm not full time no more. Maurice got me doing a couple of hours with the singing class." Bree said.

"Word. Well I'll drop De'Mya off with the babysitter then." De'Maine said.

"No bring her Black Pyramid, she have a class tomorrow anyways, at 3." Bree said.

"Alright. See you tomorrow." He gave her a  hug and kiss and got in the car.

They both had a long talk and decided to co-parent with De'Mya, they realized they both was too much alike to be in a relationship. They both did some dirt throw out their relationship. Even Bree was still seeing Drake on the low. She know what she was doing was wrong, and would hurt her cousin, she just couldn't cut off ties with Drake, just because Ant ex girlfriend was creeping with Drake on the low.

Her and Drake had a talk and he didn't knew that Nicki was dating Ant and him at the same time. He never saw Ant and Nicki together. He was even willing to talk to Ant and tell him that. He didn't even know it was bad blood between them.

Bree walked back in the hospital with the rest of them.

"So yall going to go, or yall going stay?" Maine asked.

"I'm staying." Kira, Tae, and Zach said.

"Well I'm taking my ass home." Maine said. "Tae catch a ride with one of them. I'm not coming back up here tonight." Maine said.

"Nobody asked you too." Tae said with attitude.

All eyes went to her.

Maine just shook his head and walked out with the kids.

"What going on now Tae?" Kira asked.

"Nothing. I just want to see how far I can push our relationship. Distance myself from him to see if our relationship strong enough to survive it." Tae said.

"You do that, and you wont have a relationship." Zach said.

"I got this yall." Tae said.

"If you say so. You know Maine crazy, he probably going to start thinking the worst." Kira said.

"He already thinking the worst girl. He think I'm cheating. Talking about he will kill me and the nigga I'm cheating with. I'm low key scared." Tae said.

"And low key childish for that Tae." Kira said.

"Oh well let me be childish. I got my marriage." Tae said.

"If you say so." Kira said and yawned.


"Oh my gosh these contractions about to kill me." Rea said as Shawn feed her ice.

"You got this baby." Shawn said.

"How much have I dilated?" Rae asked him.

"Just five baby just five." Shawn said.

"Man shit. I need that epidural now." Rea moaned as another contraction hit her. It brought her to tears.

"It's okay. You have this baby." Shawn said.

"Shawn you will never stick your dick in me again. If it come anywhere near my vagina, I'm going to cut your dick off." Rea glared at him.

"Okay, I hear you. You just keep that in my mind when you get horny after them 6 weeks is over with." Shawn said and her lips.

"I'm serious. Just watch." Rea said.

"I hear you baby, I hear you." Shawn said and wiped her forehead.

"You better hear me, you did this to me. Now I'm in pain." Rea said.

"I don't recall you telling me stop either." Shawn said, and Rea didn't have a comeback. " Yeah shut your ass up and wave out that contraction that's coming in 5,4,3,2,1." Shawn said.

"I hate you." Rea said as a contraction hit her hard.

"I love you too." Shawn said.

"Feed me some more ice." Rea said.

"That's not how you ask though." Shawn grinned at her.

"Shawn you better be lucky I cant do anything to your ass right now. Feed me some damn ice !" Rea snapped, while Shawn just laughed at her.

"Say please." Shawn said to her.

Rea just gave him a look. Shawn turned to leave with the ice cup in his hand.

"Please Shawn." Rea whined.

"I thought so." Shawn said and walked back to her and feed her ice.

"I'm going to kick your ass. Just wait on it nigga." Rea said.

"That's why them contraction beating your ass. The more shit you talk to me, the worst them contractions be. The boys know what you doing. You suppose to be nice to daddy." Shawn said, and got in the bed with her.

"I'm sorry." Rea said with tears in her eyes.

"Tell that to the boys. I forgive you baby." Shawn said and wrapped his arms around her.

The nurse came and check Rea, Shawn had to got off the bed, while they check for her dilation.

"Okay Miss Neverson, you are at 6cm, I'm going to ask you again do you want the epidural. The last time you wasn't so sure." The nurse said.

"I want it." Rea said.

The nurse nodded and went to get another nurse who do the epidurals. After Rea got the epidural she was fast asleep.


Rea&Shawn , lol I love them

Lord Bree still messing with Drake. How would Ant feel?

Tae umm I hope you know what you doing.


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