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Kira entered Buffalo Wild Wings first. She got them a long table to sit at. She always the first person to arrive places. Now that her and the girls are married and doing their own thing it's hard finding time for girls day. So if getting together for lunch is what it takes they could take that.

Rea arrive next. Well of course she would, she's eating three. Finding out she were  having twins was the happiest day of her life, Shawn was very patient with her, even when she have him sleeping on the chair, because he won't fix her anything  to eat in the middle of the night.

She saw Kira and walked to the table.

"I thought I saw your car out there. I thought I would have been first this time." Rea said.

"Not a chance. You drive like a grandma." Kira laughed.

"The babies fault. Do you see this big ass belly in front me?" Rea said. "Why you didn't order yet?"

"Because the last time I order for everyone, Zach and Bree got into it." Kira said.

"Where was I when that happen?" Rea said.

"Eating." Kira laughed.

"Oh they need to hurry up before I order again." Rea said. "You could at least order the drinks Kira, damn you know water free."

"Look here na everybody not here, if you want to order you go ahead. I'm waiting." Kira said as she got out her cell phone.

"Okay....Waitress!" Rea yelled out.

Kira shook her head as a waitress came to the table.

"Yes how may i help you?" The waitress asked Rea.

"Yes can I order some mozzarella sticks, with nachos and chesse, a garden salad, with a side of wings and fries please. Extra sauce." Rea said as she looked at the menu. "And instead of water let me get a ice tea, lots of ice."

"Rea what Shawn tell you." Kira whispered and looked around like she was being watched.

Shawn only wanted Rea drinking water.

"He not here." Rea whispered back.

"Okay I'll be right back." The waitress said and walked away.

The girls soon arrive.

"Took y'all long enough. Fatty over here done order the whole menu." Kira said.

"We know." Zach and Bree said.

"I'm going to need for y'all not to do me please. And Tae why do you have Tj with you?" Rea asked.

"He sick." Tae said.

"Awww my poor baby." Rea said still packing her mouth with food.

"Rea is you literally going to eat all that?" Zach asked Rea.

"Yes I am. Sj, and RayShawn acting up. They got me eating every hour." Rea said then rolled her eyes.

"Damn they hungry." Kira laughed.

"Hell yeah." Rea said.

The waitress came and took the rest of the girls order.

"Y'all ready for the concert tonight?" Kira asked.

"Hell no. I don't think they ready." Tae said.

"I agree. Ant been singing in the shower. He sound good, but he could do better." Zach said.

"But Ant sing good." Bree said.

Zach shrugged.

"How marriage life though?" Rea asked Kira, Zach, and Tae.

Fathers Too Husbands(BTM Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora