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Zach looked at Darren who smirked at her, all the color on her face drained off. Ant looked between them and frowned.

"Baby you okay? It look like you have seen a ghost." Ant said as he looked at Zach.

"I-I--" Zach couldn't get no words out, she rushed to the bathroom, and vomited.

Ant walked in and rubbed her back.

"Babe you okay? If you not in the mood to talk to anyone, I can always tell the guy to come back by later." He said.

Zach just flushed the toilet, brush her teeth and washed her face, as tears filled her eyes.

"Yeah do that. I'm going to go lay down, I don't feel to good." Zach said as she rushed upstairs.

Ant walked to the door and let the man know to come by later, or talk to his wife when she was at work.

Ant went to check on his kids, who was down for their nap for today, he then went up to his room to see Zach laying on her side. He hated that since her last trimester of her last pregnancy, she started having anxiety attacks. Plus having that scar on her womb, and had to have a C-section. Which they didn't want, but to save Zy'Anna she had to do it.

He went to lay down with her, and pulled her in his arms.

"I love you baby." Zach said to Ant.

"I love you too."


Maine still trying to figure out what he do to Tae to have her distant from him. He was about to ready to snap.

He came home today, expecting food to be done, so he could go into work at Black Pyramid, but nope. Tae was in the computer room, writing up a new book.

He walked in the computer, and sighed. He hope this conversation goes well.

"Tae can we talk?" He asked her.

"I'm busy right now Maine, can it wait?" Tae said as she typed away on her computer.

Maine count to ten in his head, and sighed deeply again. He was really trying, but his patience was so low, that he was ready to go off.

"Just tell me who he is that have your attention now. It's going on a week and you haven't allow me to touch you at all. What's going on?" He asked her again.

Tae just shrugged her shoulders, and continue to type. Maine couldn't take it no more, he grabbed the computer and throw it against the wall. It crashed.

"Stop fucking ignoring me!" He yelled at her.

Tae just looked at him, not showing any emotions or anything.

"You going to buy me another computer." Was all she said.

"Fuck that computer! What the fuck is your problem? You cheating on me?" He asked pulling her up by her shirt.

"Trey let me go!" Tae yelled.

"Fuck that! Who you fucking!?" He yelled in her face.

Tae just stared at him. Okay maybe she has taking this to far. She never seen Maine act like this before. But she couldn't say anything. She was on mute.

Maine let her go. He saw her phone on the coffee table. He stared going through it. Tae rushed over to him, trying to grab her phone.

"Give me my damn phone." She reaches for it.

Maine looked at her, and back at the phone, he throw it against the wall, it crashed too.

Thank God the kids was at Black Pyramid for today.

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