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Maurice walked into his office when he saw Maine and Ant waiting for him.

"Well damn what's up?" He said when he walked behind his desk.

"Zach forgot to feed the kids." Ant shook his head.

Maine shook his head. Maurice hold his head down.

"Damn, that's bad." Maine smirked.

"I don't think we was ready for marriage. Every other day we argue for stupid shit." Ant said.

"Your ass wanted to play follow the leader, but the leader marriage is great. I'm loving marriage life. I love the sex the most." Maine laughed, as Maurice dap him up.

"I honestly thought we been ready. Shit stressful. Counseling not working." Ant said.

"Y'all been going for a year though." Maurice looked at Ant.

"Yep and shit get harder and harder." Ant shook his head.

"Well you stuck now, unless you get a divorce." Maine said.

"Hell nah, I'm not breaking up my family." Ant glared at Maine.

"Well stop fucking complaining. Shit hear the same shit every week." Maine snapped.

Maurice just stared at them.

"How's Kira Reese?" Maine change the subject.

"She's great, we great, our kids great." Maurice nodded his head.

"Y'all ready for tomorrow?" Ant asked them,

"Hell no, I'm nervous." Maine said, and Maurice and Ant busted out laughing.

"This our first concert, we got this." Ant said.

"I don't sing man, I sound like a dying cat."  Maine said.

"Nah nigga that was a bear. How many time we rehearsed and your still act like you don't got it." Ant said.

"That been Maurice, he keep trying to go high when I say go low." Maine said.

"No you need to go high, yo low voice just not cutting." Ant said.

"Y'all putting Rea on though?" Maurice asked.

"Hell yeah, maybe her ass will go into labor. I'm tired looking in her swell up pumpkin ass face." Maine said, and Maurice busted out laughing.

"Shawn say he massage her face too." Ant cracked up laughing.

"How you massage somebody face though?" Maine shook his head.

"Damn where them niggas at? They late as hell." Maurice said.

"Dealing with Bree ass every morning De, stay late." Ant said.

"They hell. Surprised nobody dead yet. They got bullet  holes all through their house though." Maine busted laughing.

Ant mouth dropped.

"Damn, poor De'Mya." Ant said.

"They been fighting last week any?" Maurice asked Maine.

"Nah Bree just busted him in the head with a vase." Maine busted out laughing.

"You lying?" Ant said.

"Nigga that your cousin and you don't know shit." Maine said.

"I have my own relationship to worry about. I can't worry about my relationship and hers." Ant said.

"True. Yeah just stick to yours, it's somewhere lost right now." Maine said, and Maurice started laughing again.

DeMaine and Shawn walked in.

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