An Unexpected Ally

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You have my full permission to hate me because I promised you Bucky in this chapter and unfortunately will not deliver. He will DEFFO make an appearance next Chapter, though.

Also, if you're struggling to mentally picture Goodwinson, I think of him as looking a bit like Jake Abel (i.e. Adam from Supernatural). Also, I know that there's a bit of unsureness of what colour eyes bucko has, I originally wrote this story saying that they were green but have changed it to blue, so if you spot that I've said they're green, hit me up and ill change it x

Alrighty on we go.

After what seemed like an age, but was more likely just a few hours, Erin managed to finally drag herself from the wooden chair and limp back to the small mattress, collapsing onto it in a heap. The floor, at first a dull white, was now stained red from her last run-in with Pine. She, on the other hand, was surprisingly clean. Her legs were covered in deep gouges but were surprisingly blood-free.

She remembered vaguely a pair of bright blue eyes set in a dark, handsome face but apart from that everything had turned into a blur of colours. For all she knew, she could have hallucinated them.

No. On second though there was something very definite about that shade of blue which was stuck in the back of her head. Erin didn't think that she could make that vivid colour up.

Once finally sat in the least uncomfortable position she could find, she got to examine her legs. They were a mess. She winced mentally as she remembered how her 'interview' had gone with Colonel Pine. The man was a sadist, pure and simple. He had seemed to enjoy mauling her skin like she was a piece of meat in a butchers. At one point, before she had fallen unconscious and he had got bored and left, the man had taken out a small knife, about an inch in length, and stuck the entire thing into her left thigh, thankfully avoiding any main arteries. She looked at the scar now, crusted over with the viscous brown of drying blood, and sighed to herself.

This wasn't going to be as easy as she had expected it to be.

Lying back down, grunting slightly at the pain, Erin placed her hands over her stomach and wondered to herself if S.H.I.E.L.D had even noticed that she was missing. There were hundreds of science workers at the Washington Branch, it made sense to think that she hadn't been rescued in a daring mission yet.

Maybe she never would be.

She shook the thought from her head instantly. She was not going to start losing faith now. Bruce would surely notice she wasn't there, he saw her almost every day.

The thought comforted her a small bit. Maybe she wouldn't die here in this hell-hole after all.

Erin didn't know how long she spent there, lying on her back staring at the ceiling but after some time she was interrupted by the squeaky clang of the thick metal door beginning to open. Her heart dropped to her feet but she kept her eyes closed. The small fearful section of herself thought that if she ignored them, they would go away. She must be dehydrated because that was just plain stupid, the logical part of her brain supplied in a tone which sounded oddly like Bruce.

The door closed with a bang and Erin groaned, pulling her eyes open. It looked like the fun was about to begin again.

"You guys aren't the biggest fans of refractory periods are you?"

She turned her head to the side and was surprised to see that it wasn't Colonel Pine who was standing awkwardly at the door with his hands clasped tightly in front of himself, but was instead a skinny tall boy with his blonde hair scraped behind his ears.

Private Goodwinson.

Erin's eyes widened and she shot into a sitting position, screwing up her face in pain as the sudden movement caused one of the deeper scars on her leg to re-open, the burning sensation beginning to return.

Honesty ♧ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now