Josh Dun

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You felt the pressure of the seat change as Josh took his seat next to you, just like he did everyday. Josh had been your best friend since birth. Your mothers had been good friends giving you two the opportunity to grow up together. A year ago his family decided to buy the house next to yours. So you went to the same high school, rode the bus home together and were at each other's houses at least twice a week. And you wouldn't want it any other way.

"Hey," he said fumbling around trying to put his backpack on the floor. You took your leaning head off the window to smile just to rest your head back against the smudged glass.

"Why haven't you talked much today?" He gave you a concerned yet friendly look while waiting for a reply. You shrugged mouthing an "idk".

But you did know. Of course you knew that you liked him for the past few months, a lot. But it wasn't easy to just say or confront him about it. You would be jeopardizing a life time of friendship and risking the chance of making everything awkward. You weren't even sure if he liked you back. You saw him with other girls at school him clearly trying to flirt. He never acted that way with you.

You went to sleep on one song and woke up a few songs down the list when Josh shook your shoulder to wake you.

You excited the bus stepping onto the gravel driveway that merged then separated making to two paths each one leading to each of your houses.

"My parents aren't home yet and I forgot my key came I come over for a bit?" He gave you those eyes that made you wanna fall down but instead made you say yes. You smiled but reminded your self not to get your hopes up.

You walked up to your cozy house your driveway being the shorter of the two. Your mom was as welcoming to Josh as always. You both sat your things down heading to the kitchen. Josh opened the fridge scanning it. You both knew each other's houses just like your own.


Josh ended up staying for dinner and now you were currently laying on your bed propped up by pillows scrolling on your phone with Josh laying on your stomach his mind entertained with his own electronic device.

This was a ritual for the both of you when ever he stayed over and chilled. You didn't exactly have homework but you had a few things you should have looked over for an exam the next day. But you didn't want to interrupt this moment of having your favorite person close to you.

"It's cold. Fix it." He looked up at you and you grinned. "There an extra blanket in the closet." You laughed.

"Yeah but that requires getting up." He whined. You expected him to lay there and suck it up but instead he changed his position so he was laying beside you. You pretended not to notice and hoped the blush of your cheeks weren't that noticeable. He rested his chin on your shoulder and put an arm around your waist. To make you cheeks become tomato level he smuggled his face into you hair and neck.

"Better?" You asked. "Yeah." You heard him smiling. This was kinda awkward, but you had to admit you loved it. Could he possibly like you? You frequently hung out like this but rarely cuddle cuddled. And t wasn't just this but recently everything else. Like him being more protective and always interrupting conversations you had with other guys. Nah. He wouldn't. Would he?

"I wuhv you." You heard him say something into your hair and all you got was mumbles.

"What?" You scooted away and let him remove his face from your hair. "I love you." He must mean like friends.

"I love you too. You know that...wait did you break something?" You laughed.

"I love love you (y/n)." Ok never mind he doesn't mean like friends. You stare at him. Your as happy as ever but you don't know what to do or say. But he does. He leans forward closing to gap between you two.

The kiss is long and loving. Something that was a surprise at first but then felt so natural and comforting. Well I guess he like you back.

He pulled away and you knew your face was covered in shock. But a good shock. He just smiled and laughed and he pulled you down to cuddle.

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