Michael Clifford x Dan Howell

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Finally. Finally after endless hours working at Spencers and collecting any money I could find, I made it.

I though waiting in line. Dan Howell was my favorite YouTuber and when he released his book I almost had a heart attack. When I found out he was coming to my state I started earning money to go to a signing.

Too much money, four hours on a plane and a crapy hotel room was worth it to be standing in line at one a Dan's book signings.

I was three people away from him. I stood there admiring his atractiveness. OK ok...yes I'm gay.

"Hi," I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize I was next. His accent was thick and sexy. Michael held out his hand but Dan went for a full on hug. "I'm so glad you could make it today." I was so nervous I just smiled.

I was actually able to carry on a conversation with out collapsing to the ground in a ball of fandom.

"Thanks for coming ." Dan spoke waving good bye. I left the book store heart racing. I opens the book to see his name with a few numbers written below them. It took me a minute to process that its his phone number. I think I'm gonna pass out.


Should I text him? I'm gonna text him. Wait should I? What if he doesn't answer? Oh fuck it I'm gonna text him.

From micheal:

Hey. Its micheal.

From Dan:

Hey, something about you was just ...just....idk. Wanna hang out?

From Michael:

Yeah sure. How about the Orange Leaf.

From Dan:

Sure see you later ;)

I took shower and through on some black skinny jeans and a Blink 182 T-shirt.


"I walk into the kitchen and find Phil surrouded by broken glass and cereal all over the floor and he's sanding there with the milk carton in his hand tweeting about what he just did." Dan said laughing.

"One of my friends,his name is luke, was over at my house and was on our couch and there was a sprider on him and he ran into the dinning room and started throwing plastic pumpkins at it." I said making Dan crack an adorable laugh.

"So where are you staying ." Dan asked. "Hotel inn and its absolutely terrible. The beds all-"

"You can't stay in place like that. How long will you be in town?" He cut me off .

"Idk a couple nights I guess." I responded.

"Come stay at my place. They got some fancy ass hotel." He said with a grin.
"Sure, let me grab a me things."

We walked out and he led me to his car since I walked. When we got to the building he followed me in to see what I ment by crappy and it was.

I collected my things and we headed back in his car.


From Calum:

I don't know why I even dated you . Your worthless and no one will ever like you again. You weren't wort my time and I hope your next boyfriend beats you as well.

From Michael:

What do you even want we broke up a month ago.

From Calum:

Ik I just wanted to tell you how worthless you are.

I didn't respond. I could feel the tears streaming from my eyes.

"So here's a blank-" I heard Dan's voice enter the room. I had my head in my hands. I felt Dan sit down on the coach next to me and reach his arm around my shoulders.

"Whats wrong?" He asked snuggling his head into the crook of my neck. I opend my mouth but nothing came out so I handed him my phone.

"Who the hell is this?" He asked I could here the agitation in his voice.

"My ex. We broke up like a month ago and he keeps saying these thing to me every once in a while. He was...abusive. Which I deserve because he's rig-" lips. All I felt was lips on mine and it was wonderful.

He pulled back, "nothing he said was true. I know we just met but you are wonderful and funny and kind. And I...really really like you."

I was speechless. I just sat there. Then he grabbed my arms and pulled up my sleeves. I tried to resist but he wouldn't let go. He looked at my arms examining the faded bruises and cuts. He liftes my arms to his lips ans started kissing them.

"I would never do that to you and I wouldnt let anyone else do that to a beautiful person like you." Dan spoke staring at me with his beautiful eyes.

He grabbed me in his arms and pulled me down beside him.

"Micheal, I hope you can stay a little longer."

Sorry there are probally alot of errors. And sorry I haven't updated. And this was a weird ship but my friend really wanted it  Anyway leave requests and love you guys.

~ Cass

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