Kellin Quinn

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You couldn't sleep. It was hopeless. You mind danced around bringing you different things to think about. You watched shadows from different sources of light that were gleaming into the window lay themselves on the wall. The outside world was beautiful with crickets and slight wind. Every now and then a howl or hoot would sound. It was the perfect night. Yet you lay there bored and restless.

Kellin, your boyfriend of two years, layed quitly beside you. You slowly turned over trying not to wake him. In the dimlight you watched his chest move up and down with each breath.

"Babe?" His sudden awken startled you. You looked over, and even though you couldn't see throught the darkness, you knew his eyes were looking into yours. "Yeah? I can't sleep."

"Come here." He said moving closer to you. He opened his arms and you scooted next to him laying your head on his chest. He played with your hair moving each strand out of your face. You listened to his heartbeat. It wasn't long before your started to drift off to sleep but not before he placed a kiss on your forehead.

Sorry this one was so short but its fluffy i guess.

~Cass ♡♡

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