Lynn Gunn

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"I said move the hell out of my way before I move you". Said the bitch of a person towering over you.

"I said mo-" you cut her off by shoving her to the ground and walking away, (y/f/n) giggling. You weren't a bully but this girl had picked on you and your friends since third grade, and she was pretty much the school bully.

You and (y/f/n) squeezed between the wall and the crowd of people migrating down the hallway. And you stopped dead in you tracks when you reached the other side.

A laugh. A adorable laugh. And this girl...a new student. She was gorgeous. You could only see her long beautiful hair, but you were sure a she had a gorgeous face too.

"Hey? HEY! Get your ass out of space...what are you....oh...ooh." You friend was snapping her fingers in your face. She stopped when she noticed the new girl.

She was walking beside who you asumed was her mom and the principal who was showing her around.

"Who is that?" Your friend asked. "I don't know...but I hope I see her agian." You replied, you had a big smile on your face.


You were sitting in the cafiteria watching the people go by. You saw the girl walk in and you couldn't take your eyes off of her until your friend poked you on the shoulder and sat down.

"Somebodys gotta crush." She said winking and lightly nudging your shoulder.

"I dont even know if she's bi or gay...people should come with signs." Your friend laughed at your statement. You didn't have much confidence with people you liked but girls seemed so much easier. You got up leaving your friend behind to watch and you walked up behind her in the lunch line. You wished you could save her from the tragedy that was school food but you didnt say anything.

"Hi, Im (y/n)." You managed to say.

"Hey, Im lynn." Even her voice was beautiful. "So what are your classes?"

She reached for her back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. She straightened it out and handed it to you. You scanned the paper.

"We have 4th 5th and 6th together. By they way the algebra two teachers insane." She laughed. You noticed out of the coner of your eye that a group of jocks were coming your way.

"Well hello how are you doing today cutie." Said Zack the leader of their little tribe. Lynn looked like she was going to burst out laughing. She remained quite and he started to speak agian. "So can I have your number?" He motioned toward Lynn.

"Sorry I'm not into that." You were getting the hints and were about to scream of excitement. "What are you saying sweet cheeks?" His poor man brain couldn't process it. "Im gay. Now hop along little Timmy." She looked down at his cowboy boots. Your were about to die laughing.

He gave a confused look and walked away. You turned back to Lynn.

"That was weird. And I am gay...I hope that doesnt weird you out."

"Not even close. Im am to...well half." You smiled. You glanced back at your friend she was staring at you eating Cheezits out of her pocket.

You followed Lynn through the lunch line and she followed you to the table and sat with you and your friend.

"Are you gay?" (Y/f/n) asked. You shot her a death look. But Lynn just knoddeded her head and laughed. "Ok she's half mingle." She said before running off to find another one of your friends.

"Look I actually do think you are really beautiful and awesome and-" she cut you off by grabbing your hand and pen from her back pocket. She wrote her number down. You knew you were a tomato.

"Here." She said giving you back your hand. The bell rang and you both through away your stuff. You walked to your next class together.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School started and I have been busy. I hope you guys like these and I am so excited cause I got over 500 reads!!!! Thank you so much ♡.


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