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Amara's POV:
I really love New York.. In the short time I've been here, I can't help but admire it. Everything is different and's like walking into another dimension. I especially love walking the streets and feeling the energy.. It's well, how do you say it? it's much like a kaleidoscope of colors and people.

Today however, everything was different. When you're with a grownup everything seems more conquerable because people take you seriously. You would never guess it, but it's actually quite hard to navigate the streets of NYC without a grownup!! For one thing, being a six year old means that you're short and get pushed around very easily. Nobody bothers to say sorry for pushing you around and no one cares when you get knocked to the floor.

Squinting up at the bright lights I try to map out places where my dad could be. I'm able to make my way to the taxi-cab center where he works, but when I ask around everyone tells me that the last time they saw him was three days ago. No luck there. I try his favorite bar and the place we normally go to get groceries, but no one knows. It's quite frustrating how terribly uninterested everyone sounded as they told me they hadn't seen him.

If there's one thing I can't wait to do, it's grow up...Oh! and become a doctor.. that's pretty up there too. Being a grown-up means having power in the world. As a kid, getting that type of respect is impossible.. Everyone just walks right over you.

As I walk I keep looking at every face passing by in hopes that its daddy.. I have no success and by nightfall I decide to start heading back to my apartment for obvious reasons. Dad promised we would stick together.. he told me he would never leave me alone but now he's gone. Where in the world was he?

I focus my attention on trying to walk home, but before I do, I head over to the little brown building at the corner of 54th street. it's a perfectly ordinary building really, but it's what's inside is truly spectacular. Opening the door and glancing at the clock, I decide to give myself five minutes to look around. As I turn away from the clock I marvel at the scene in front of me. Books are everywhere. There are rows and rows of them that go on for ages and there are many people sitting there just reading without a care in the world. Here, they call this place a "library".

Dad knew my love of books and he brought me here whenever he got a chance; I ended up memorizing the way to get here and before I knew it I was waking up at upsurd hours to sneak out and read. The library opened at 6am most days, and most days I would be there at 6am.

I guess the reason I loved books so much was simple; Every answer to every question you've ever asked and every thing you've ever wanted to learn could be found here.. I loved to use google as much as the next person but it never really was the same. A thud snaps me out of my thoughts and looking back at the clock I realize almost ten minutes have passed.. I need to get home!!

I go back along the familiar route home with utmost caution. Nighttime is the prime time for people like Ahmed to strike...

As I neared the apartment building I saw something strange.. Two figures one tall and one short stood at the entrance-way of the apartment. As I hid behind the dumpster I was able to make out what they were saying,

The tall one: "Matt where's the kid? The dad said that there was a kid!"

My heartbeat quickens and I start shivering.. I think they might be talking about me.

The short one:
"CIA department control center come in.. We have arrived at the location but there's no kid in sight!! He must've been lying"

And with that he shuts his phone, taps the other one, and they both head soundlessly away.

This is freaky.

As they walked out I squinted at the back of their jackets.. Hmmmm. CIA.. Why are they looking for me and why do they have dad?! Maybe I'm overthinking this...

I have two options at this point.. Head to the apartment where I know Ahmed is waiting, or get the attention of the two men who I think have my dad.. I miss my dad more than ever, so I guess my only option is talking to these two.

Mustering up all the courage I have I throw a pebble in their direction to get their attention and when they turn around fast I firmly tell them my name and ask them who the heck they think they are. Observing their expressions, they recognize me. Oh no. Ohhhhh no.

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