"Well," Lucy started. "As you know I was granted a beautiful new car for my birthday," Lauren nodded as her friend looked at her to make sure she was paying attention. "I was wondering if we could chill in there during lunch?"

On Lucy's birthday her parents bought her a 2006 Dodge Charger, her dream car. She's literally been everywhere in it and always is sure to drag Lauren along seeing as she doesn't have her license yet.

Currently it was parked in the student parking lot and Lauren would love to skip lunch with Lucy but she didn't want to get in trouble. She's never done anything remotely "bad" and she was pretty much a goody-two-shoes. Lucy, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. She was the definition of a dare devil and lived by the motto: you only live once.

Lauren quickly weighed her pros and cons, "Lucy, you know I would do anything with you but I don't want to get in trouble. You know how my parents are."

"That's the thing," The smaller girl argued. "You won't get in trouble because you're with me. If we get caught I can say it was all my fault and that I forced you to come with me against my will."

Lauren giggled as they neared Lucy's locker. "Luce, I'm serious."

"So am I," She insisted with a smile as she stuffed her books away. "Please Lolo."

She gave Lauren her signature pout, poking out her bottom lip only making Lauren want to kiss it away. Lucy knew that was her weakness and Lauren fell for it every time.

Lauren sighed deeply, "Alright, but if we get in trouble it's your ass."

The brown eyed girl gave her a big smile before grabbing her hand, sending shockwaves through Lauren's body. "I promise we won't, let's go!"

Not even five minutes later the two friends made their way across the student parking lot to where Lucy's car was. Lauren traced the paint with her finger, nodding her head.

"I don't know how many times I'm going to say this but your car is nice as fuck."

She heard Lucy giggle softly behind her as she turned her body. The way the sunlight was hitting her body made her skin glow heavenly. Her chestnut hair flew softly in the wind that was blowing around them as Lauren examined her body.

Lauren looked around quickly to make sure they were alone before placing her hands on Lucy's hips and bringing their mouths together roughly. She pressed into the smaller girl causing her to take a few steps back before wrapping her arms around her neck, kissing back with the same passion.

Lucy backed them up until Lauren hit the side of her car. She pushed her tongue into her mouth, exploring the now familiar territory as she stood between Lauren's legs.

Lauren couldn't think of anything but the way Lucy was kissing her. Out of all the times their lips have touched each other, it was never as needy as this. She made Lauren's breath get caught in her throat as her hands found their way down Lauren's hips.

The green eyed girl broke away for air. This has been going on for about a year now; Lauren and Lucy together, but in hiding. They never really talked about it but just let whatever happen happen. Lauren was more than fine and it didn't bother her to stay in the closet with whatever it was they had but now that she was more comfortable about her sexuality she didn't want to hide anymore.

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