Not that I'm complaining...

He tosses the shirt at me, taking my mind away from going places and says, "Now get dressed, baby," with a sly grin on his lips. "This restaurant has a strict shirt only rule for the ladies." My smile starts to grow.

Heck, if I get to spend our date avoiding the public, wearing the most comfortable clothes and eating takeout, I'll take it. It's like he knew I have secretly wanted this, especially since the fiasco of the last weeks.

Wait, is this what Hayley really suggested?

"I'll go change in the bathroom then," I hop over to him, press a kiss to his cheek and head for his bathroom.

Harry calls out, "You can change right here, nothing I've not seen before, you know."

Yeah, but then you'd see some of my surprise for you...

"Keep the element of surprise, make it worth the wait!" I yell back, snatching a pair of his joggers before I quickly change in his bathroom.

I must admit I'm relieved I don't have to put on all this makeup and curl my hair, though I hope I still look okay. It's still a date after all.

When I make my way back to the living room, I find Harry changed into a see-through white tee and gym shorts, sweeping his hair out of his face as he opens the bag of food. The delicious scent of fried rice becomes more prominent as he opens the box and I plop myself down on the couch next to him, taking a deep inhale of the air around us.

Harry turns to me and just smiles. I smile back, biting my lip and blushing at his stare.

"Do you mind?" I ask jokingly.

"I can't help it. You look absolutely gorgeous tonight, makeup and glam free. Perfect just the way you are." He combs my hair gently away from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

I blush even more and shrug, "I'm far from that."

Harry shakes his head and sighs, "I hate when you think of yourself as nothing. You are so beautiful and amazing. You may not be perfect to someone else, or even to yourself, but you are in my eyes."

How can he think that? How does he see something I can't? I swear, the first time I met him, I drowned in his perfect green eyes, and he somehow fell in love with my basic blue ones. It's hard to understand why.

" got Chinese?" I struggle to take the attention off me.

"Yes I did," he replies before planting his lips on mine. I kiss him back, letting myself focus on the way our lips move in sync instead of my worries, though it's tougher than I wish it was.

When he pulls back, he smiles a heartwarming smile. "Let's be more positive, okay? Tonight is our night, we get to celebrate us. Come on, let's get some food."

Harry offers to serve me but I decline, wanting to serve myself the amount I should be eating and not the amount I wish to eat. Like I've been reminding myself all week: if I want to get fitter, I need to take it seriously.

The food tastes amazing, especially after skipping meals today, half purposely, half accidentally. Harry and I dive into conversation, discussing his work today. Full of more writing, and then recording those songs, he says. He also mentions wanting me to come watch him record sometime, and I can't think of anything better than to see him singing again in action. They have the album name decided, and just a few more tracks to write.

Harry asks about my shift and dance class, and how school is treating me here after my third week. I did work on assignments as I waited to come to his place that today, and I tell Harry how I finished a paper that is due two weeks from now, getting the judgmental yet prideful smile from him at my overachieving self.

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