A noise sounding like a mix of a cough and a gasp comes from my mouth and I end up in a short coughing fit and Harry rubs my back.

I am fully embarrassed.

"Now I'll be honest, Rachel you know full well Hayley and I bring our fun home sometimes, but we've got school as well, love. The three of us shouldn't be falling asleep in classes everyday," Jen snickers.

How do they know about that?

"But all jokes aside," Hayley continues, "you both need to dial it down. We know you're in the process of still making up, but there are other ways of doing so than ridding the neighbors of sleep," I open my mouth but she silences me. "Relax, babe, let us finish! This is an intervention. We've come up with a little proposition, a bet if you will."

I look up at Harry, and his eyes shows his interest in finding out what this is. I guess I'll let them explain. I nod to Harry.

"Alright, shoot," he says.

Hayley and Jen grin at each other before Hayley explains. "Okay, if you two can quit acting like sex crazed teenagers until, I don't know, eight at night let's say next Saturday, you can have your sleepovers whenever and wherever. If not, you have to go another week without it, and Jen and I can hit the clubs again, or there's this really cute guy in my bio class I'm getting closer with I'll just have to bring over..."

"So basically," Jennifer stops her sister's rambling, "one week without sex or else two weeks. Think you can handle that?"

I look at Harry again, truly wondering how something we're so used to now will be once we're rid of it.

"Deal, let's have at it," he smiles slyly, and I'm beginning to wonder what the hell he just got us into.

Harry and I are left alone and he heads for the kitchen for some food. I follow behind and sit myself on the counter as he proves he knows our home so well and serves himself cereal.

"What did you just agree to?" I just have to ask.

I hear him laugh a little, and I see his dimples perk up. He finishes serving himself cereal and sets the box down. "Come on, it's a simple bet, love."

"But...how? Like won't this be hard?"

Harry leaves his cereal on the counter and walks to me, placing his body in between my legs and keeping his hands to my waist.

"Are you really that worried?"

I shake my head, "Worried? No. Just... it's going to be hard." I whine.

He laughs again, moving his hands to cup my cheeks, to place a kiss on my nose.

"We'll go through it together. I think we will be okay. As much as I crave you, I won't let a bet beat us."

"Or is it just that you can't let a beat you?" I tease.

Harry opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it, at a lost for words and I laugh, knowing full well he wouldn't let a challenge pass.

"You know what, babe? Why don't you put some breakfast in that beautiful mouth? Keep it shut maybe," he smiles, placing a kiss to my lips.

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