Nightmares (Kid Eren x Kid Reader)

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Takes place in orphanage.

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I awoke covered in sweat and had fresh tears rolling down my cheek.

"Just a dream." I whispered to myself and held onto my stuffed bunny named Titan.

I held her close and cuddled with my blanket, it was still dark outside so I couldn't get out of bed yet.

Everyone else was fast asleep, Hange was sprawled all over the bed with a mountain of pillows around her.

I wonder how she has so many pillows, then I turn around and see everyone's pillows are gone.

Sasha snored loudly and slept talked, while Mikasa snuggled in her scarf and it was impossible to disturb her.

A loud roar of thunder distracted me and I jumped before looking out my window.

Fat droplets of rain fell and plopped on my window and ran along.

Brilliant lighting flashed across the sky making the sky turn many bright colors.

I felt safe in a strange way when it rained, yet still feared the power of the storm.

A whimper echoed through the halls and I looked to see no one in my room crying.

A soft cry broke out and I wanted to see who it was.

I jumped down from my bed and tip-toed across the room, I tried to be quiet but every step made a squeak noise.

Soon I came to the hall and another loud boom of thunder scared me and urged me to see who was crying.

The cry got louder as I approached the boys room, why would a boy cry?

(Keep in mind this is a young girl and when girls are younger they think boys don't have feelings...)

Everyone boy was asleep except for one who was under his blankets and shaking.

Thunder shook the room and he jumped.

I snuck by Jeans bed and he touched my leg and pulled me onto his bed, it was very creepy but I think he mistook me as his pillow. Which was probably with Hange.

I rolled over and stood in front of the crying boy, I tapped his shoulder lightly and whispered,"Hey what's wrong?"

He didn't speak at first but spoke up,"W-who are you?"

"Look silly."

He lifted up the blanket and it was Eren.

Eren wiped his eyes and covered everything but his eyes with his blanket.

His huge emerald eyes looked at me and his cheeks were pink,"I wasn't crying!"

Another flash of lightning sent Eren shivering and I had a idea,"Are you afraid Eren?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Well if you are, remember that if there's rain you know what that means."


"Mud pies and mud puddles!" I said before whispering,"We need to be quiet."

Eren laughed,"I think you mean you need to be quiet loud mouth!"

I laughed and sat on his bed, he offered me some blanket and I pulled it over my body.

"But Y/n I like rain, but not the scary sounds and sights."

"Thunder and lighting can't hurt you in here, you're safe."

"It reminds me of monsters."

Another boom of thunder shook and it felt as if it were trying to break inside the room.

"I should go, I don't want to get I trouble or sit in the corner."

Eren grabbed my wrist,"Can you stay for another minute. Please???"

"Ok, but if I'm in trouble I'm blaming it on you."

Eren and I talked under he blanket until I laid back and soon my eye lids felt heavy and I dozed back asleep.


No one POV

The next morning Mrs Petra went to wake the boys and lifted Erens blanket and laughed to herself when seeing Y/n cuddled next to Eren sleeping peacefully.

She didn't think anything weird about it because it was innocent, and she knew Eren has been having nightmares and has a fear of storms.

She tapped Eren,"Good morning Eren and Y/n. It's time to eat."

Erens eyes fluttered open and he turned red,"I'm sorry! I feel asleep! I don't want to be in trouble!"

Petra laughed,"You're not in trouble, this is what friends do. Comfort each other and be there or them."

Eren nudged Y/n and she snorers,"Waaaa?" She saw Petra and squealed,"It was his fault!" She pointed to Eren and he looked as if he were betrayed.

"Um! Well you feel asleep!"

"Cmon you two, quit fighting . Today we have pancakes."

"I like waffles thought." Mumbled Eren as he got out of bed followed by Y/n and they walked next to each other and laughed at Hange falling out of bed followed by all her pillows.

Petra smiled to herself and knew they would make a great couple when they were older.


Sorry it was short but I wanted to make a cute innocent one because I was in the mood.

I am currently working on a few fanfics so everything is crazy right now. This book is my #1 priority, so once it ends I will focus on another one.

Or I can focus on this and the fanfic, but I'm not deciding hard work and time if it doesn't get any views and votes.

I hope you are all well and I'll see everyone later. ^_^



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