'Trick off' (Eren x Reader x Levi)

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This is a modern and takes place at a skatepark. Please excuse my lack of knowledge for skating.




Y/n held her skateboard and walked to the local skate board park, it was a typical Saturday. At the park the usual happened, one of those mom vs skater fights broke out, high school seniors over took the park after nine PM, or no one showed up except for a random guy who broke him arm.

Y/n's 'squad' was meeting her at the park, they called themselves survey corps, which was pretty lame, but Aurlou (I know I spelled it wrong) came up with it and was proud.

Y/n heard her voice being called, Eren and Mikasa stood by a tree.

"Y/n! Hey!"

Y/n waved to Eren,"Hello Eren! Hey Mikasa! Where's everyone?"

Eren shrugged,"I saw Levi being all emo and stuff over there."

Eren and Levi never got along.

Levi was more kept to himself and played in a rock band. His #1 song if kneel you pigs- AOT junior high.

Eren was more of a prep, he was in student c, chess club, soccer, and of course the baking club with Mikasa.

Levi stood by the entrance to the skate park. He nodded at y/n and she jogged over to him, Eren and Mikasa followed.

"Levi want to do a trick off?"

Eren was always excited to attempt to beat Levi in a 'trick off' judged by poor Armin.

Sadly, Armin was sick.

Levi looked at Eren,"Sure. Who'll judge us?"

Both looked at y/n and she backed up,"Me?"

Eren nodded,"Yes. Whoever can do the best tricks wins."

"Childish." Muttered Levi.

A loud BUZZ was heard and they all turned to see Jean riding on his hover board trying to impress Mikasa once again.

"What's up? I've decided to ride my baby today. I'm gonna show a few tricks."

Mikasa rolled her eyes as Jean zoomed up and down the path.

Sasha and Connie arrived with a extra large bag of chips and her shake board.

The group entered the park and skateboards left and right flew doing tricks.


I smiled, took a deep breathe, and put on my helmet.

Levi did the same and he motioned for me to follow him. We both warmed up with our skateboards.

"Not bad y/n." Levi said with a smirk.

"Tha-" I tried to saw as someone collided with me. I flew off my shake board and landed with a thud.

I rubbed my elebows and it was Eren who crashed into me.

"Sorry y/n my bad hehe." Said a nervous Eren.

"It's ok!"

Suddenly I felt two strong arms pick me up.

The wind chilled my face and I looked go see Levi holding me staring into my eyes.

"Are you alright y/n?" Asked Levi.

I nodded,"I'm fine. Thanks."

"You should watch out from that idiot Yeager, he's going to end up getting you killed one day."

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