My baby ||Mom reader x dad Eren||

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First off, I deleted my summer camp book, because I felt it wasn't working out. :(

But I need your advice, should I begin a modern (highschool or college) Levi/Eren x Reader

Or a summer camp theme like before?

Thank you for all the votes and comments❤️



You walked into the doctors office and was greeted by a squeal,"Y/n! How are you?" Your doctor Hangi Zoe stood holding a notepad and pen.

"I'm great, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yep, but that's a good thing, it means you're all healthy! Now let's weigh you and record your height.

"Woah, it seems you've gained five pounds." Chuckled Hanji.

You blushed and looked down embarrassed,"Um- I need you to uh. See if I'm pregnant."

"What?! Pregnant? But who-?"

"My boyfriend, Eren."

Hanjis eyes grew wide,"I have missed a lot. Well let's scan your stomach. Lie down over there."

She started to grab a container of gel like substance and other materials while you got comfy.

"Now this will be cold." Said Hanji as she applied gel to your stomach and started up a machine.

"So have you missed you cycle y/n?"

"Yes, and two pregnancy tests said I was pregnant."

After a minute or so Hanji screamed and clapped,"Yahoo! Congrats! You're going to be a mother!"

Even though you knew, somewhere deep down you hoped you wouldn't be pregnant so soon.

Your eyes filled with shock and you cupped you head and small tears came out.

Hanji patted your back,"Aww, I'm so happy for you! I know you will be a amazing mother!"

"How will Eren react?" You replied starting to become overwhelmed with stress.

"He will be very proud, don't stress! It's not healthy."

After about ten minutes you left and started to drive home.

Will he leave me?

What will happen?

Am I going to raise the baby alone?

You slowly parked in your drive way and wiped your tears.


I walked inside and hurried to my room. Eren was asleep on the couch.

I fixed my makeup that was running down my face and pulled my hair into a loose bun.

I can do it. It's only three words,"I am pregnant."

I stared at myself in the mirror and repeated the words. It was still a shock.

"Princess, are you home?" Called a sleepy Eren.

"Y-yes, be right there!"

I sighed and started downstairs, Eren was ruffling his hands through his hair and he smiled,"Hey! How was the doctors?"

I kept tears in,"F-fine." I avoided eye contact.

Erens smile faded,"What's wrong? Come here."

I shook my head,"I'm fine. Just not feeling well."

"Can you at least hug me? I hate seeing you sad." Said Eren with pout.

I shuffled over and gave him a short hug.

"Please tell me, I know something is wrong."

I broke out in tears. Eren hugged me tightly,"Shh. It's ok." He kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry Eren."

"For what?"

"Please don't leave me."

"I will never leave you. You mean everything to me. I hope to one day walk down the isle with you and have a few kids running around. I love you y/n, please remember that. You can tell me anything."

"I- am-"

I took a deep breathe,"Pregnant. With your child."

Eren went silent and stiffened,"Pregnant?"

"Y-yes I found out at the doctors."

Eren jumped,"Wohoo! I'm going to be a father! This is wonderful!!"

He was smiling and his eyes filled with joy.

"You're not mad?"

"No! Of course not! Why would I be mad if the person I want to spend the rest of my life with is having my child."

I blushed and kissed him.

Eren kissed my stomach,"Hey little girl or guy, this is your daddy. I can't wait to meet you! Uh- well I don't know what to say!" He chuckled,"Just know you have a amazing mom. Who will soon be my wife."

My cheeks started to heat up at the word 'wife.'


Eren paced back and forth in the waiting room, y/ns excited relatives and friends chatted amongst themselves, most of the conversations being the gender and who the baby will look like the most.

Eren had circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, the whole week the baby could've come, but today was the day.

He was worried for his girlfriend and his son or daughter.

"Ugh. I have to see her." Said Eren as he marched to the room y/n was in.

She was on a bed talking to a doctor. She smiled,"Hello Eren."

The doctor held out his hand,"Good morning! She is going into labor now. We are all ready to go."

Eren nodded and shook the doctors hand and kissed y/ns forehead.

Y/n started to sweat and took a deep breathe and pushed.

"I can't do it." Whispered y/n in pain.

"Shhh baby you can do it." Said Eren as he held y/ns hand tight.

Eren stood by her side until a baby came out. The sound of the babies cry brought tears to Erens eyes,"We did it." Whispered y/n.

"It's a boy!" Said one nurse with the name tag,'Petra Ral.'

A little baby boy with emerald eyes like Erens was born. Y/n held him and smiled, the baby held Erens finger and a new adventure began with your baby boy named (name of choice.)

But this was a quick chapter because I'm sick.

Hope you enjoyed!

Requests are open and I accept all!

Bye bye

If you were naming a baby boy as a mother/ father what would it be? I love the name Eren, Nathan, and Dan.


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